Chu Qianyue's words stabbed Li Daochong like a sharp arrow.

Li Daochong weighs 80kg, 640kg under eight times the gravity, and his self weight is more than half a ton. This is just the basic weight. He is also wearing a weight-bearing vest made of special materials.

This pit father's robe has neither defense nor attack bonus. It has only one function to increase the load.

The surface of the robe looks no different from the general close fitting training clothes. It weighs up to 50kg under normal conditions.

Eight times the gravity plus, that's 400 kilograms.

Li Daochong's own weight plus his robe can bear more than a ton. If he is only in a stable state, his body strengthening degree has been greatly improved. Li Daochong, who has reached the eighth level of Qi refining, can also bear it.

But with a ton of weight and fighting in disordered space, that's another thing.

Chu Qianyue's weight is 200 kg, which is four times that of Li Daochong. With his own weight, it is almost two tons under eight times of gravity.

Li Daochong doesn't know how much energy is contained in that small body. He has always been curious about the real strength of Chu Qianyue.

In her twenties, she became a stunt lecturer at Xuancang University.

Li Daochong first estimated that Chu Qianyue's accomplishments were in the late stage of gas accumulation. Most lecturers in Xuancang university had the strength in the early stage of gas accumulation, and the more powerful ones could reach the middle stage of gas accumulation, such as Blizzard ice.

Chu Qianyue as the first lecturer, her strength must be above the blizzard ice, so Li Daochong guesses that it is the later stage of gas accumulation.

However, after contact, Li Daochong felt more and more that he underestimated Chu Qianyue, at least at the peak of Qi accumulation.

But now Li Daochong feels that where Chu Qianyue is in the gas gathering period, he is likely to be a cultivator in the foundation period.

A true cultivator.

Chu Qianyue became stronger, and Li Daochong became more excited and respected Chu Qianyue, but he never thought she would say such words.

"Mr. Chu, you let me admit that I'm a waste?" Li Daochong knelt on one knee, looked at the ground and asked expressionless.

"Aren't you? I suppressed my strength on the sixth floor of Qi refining. You can't even touch my clothes. What's not waste?" Chu Qianyue's face was cold without a trace of emotion.

"Teacher Chu, do you always think of me like this?" Li Daochong slowly raised his head with an unspeakable sadness in his eyes. Others say he doesn't care, but from Chu Qianyue's mouth, Li Daochong can't accept it, because these days he has regarded Chu Qianyue as his own teacher, and no teacher has personally guided him since he was young, Chu Qianyue is the first. No matter what her purpose is, Li Daochong is very grateful to her, respects her and regards her as his mentor.

Chu Qianyue's eyes flashed a little moved. Unexpectedly, Li Daochong would ask such a sentence. She said such a sentence for only one purpose to stimulate Li Daochong, provoke him and let him exert all his potential without reservation.

The other Chu Qianyue didn't think much at all, but when Li Daochong asked such a sentence, she felt the loss in her eyes and was speechless for a moment.

Chu Qianyue has already regarded Li Daochong as her own student, but she doesn't like to show her emotions and ideas.

In Qian Changhai's words, death requires face and live suffering.

The more people appreciate it, the more Chu Qianyue will hit each other. Zhan Jian Augustine was called dog shit by Chu Qianyue in those years. It was a piece of dog shit that was seen and despised by people and trampled on by people.

Chu Qianyue named Li Daochong waste after nearly a month, which has given him a lot of face.

At first, Chu Qianyue came to Li Daochong for her own sake. If it weren't for the accidental discovery of Li Daochong's strange spatial perception, Chu Qianyue wouldn't have any intersection with this poor student.

But these days, Chu Qianyue was infected by Li Daochong's indomitable spirit.

Everything Li Daochong showed was completely different from the school archives and external rumors.

In less than a month, Li Daochong grew up at an amazing speed. Even Augustine, the amazing war sword in those days, was not as good as him.

In terms of talent, Li Daochong can never compare with Augustine. In terms of details, he is not at the same level.

In terms of resources, Li Daochong can't even afford to buy strong chemotherapy wound liquid. He also needs Chu Qianyue to provide it. When he trained sword Augustine, Chu Qianyue paid 30000 training fees, 30 spirit stones and 50 liters of spirit liquid for various purposes every day.

Now, Chu Qianyue has to pay for everything and pay Li Daochong's training fee.

There is no harm without comparison.

But it was such a cripple in the eyes of others that he survived the special training in the "despair" room.

Weightlessness room No. 5 did not exist ten years ago. This is Chu Qianyue's private training room, which was personally transformed by Qian Changhai and named "despair".

After the completion, except Chu Qianyue, no one can bear more than ten days without foundation, including Augustine.

Li Daochong is the second.

A guy with no talent, no details and no resources just survived with strong willpower. Chu Qianyue once doubted whether this guy was human or not.

Chu Qianyue saw her own shadow on Li Daochong. Chu Qianyue's emphasis on Li Daochong has long been beyond the scope of appreciation. She even wants to pass on her Tianji inferior skill Taixu sword.

"Girl, look at you. You've hurt the boy's heart. Apologize to others quickly. Don't drive such a good seedling away because of a word." Qian Changhai's voice came from Lingbo's ear.

Chu Qianyue put her hand on her ear, took off Lingbo's headset and crushed it.

"If you want me to look at you differently, prove it to me." Chu Qianyue's tone is still cold.

"I'll prove it, but I want to know if I'm your student?" Li Daochong asked with a certain look of verification on his face.

The despair training room fell silent.

Chu Qianyue stared at Li Daochong who had stood up not far away, and her lips closed under the mask.

On the other side, Qian Changhai nervously looked at the Lingshi screen, and a pair of dissatisfied wrinkled subordinates held their consciousness in a fist shape.


A few seconds later, Chu Qianyue said a word calmly.

"Hey, it's not easy for the dead girl to tell you the truth. It seems that you really like this boy." Qian Changhai said to himself with a deep smile.

Li Daochong also smiled and smiled brightly. "Teacher Chu, be careful. I'm going to take it seriously."

"Nonsense, don't talk, come on." Chu Qianyue frowned and said impatiently.

"OK." Li Daochong responded.

Almost at the same time, Chu Qianyue started the gravity transformation.

The two figures kept shaking up, down, left and right in the disordered space.

The eight spiritual veins in Li Daochong's body were compressed at the same time, and his mind gathered into a barrier. With a bang, he stepped on the ground at the moment of gravity transformation and shot out like a string arrow.

Chu Qianyue's beautiful eyes coagulate. It's so fast.

Even though Li Daochong's speed is amazing, he can't change the direction of gravity eight times a second.

But this time, Li Daochong was straight and completely unaffected by gravity from all directions.

PA, Qian Changhai stood up from the chair with a pair of old eyes, slapped his hands heavily on the table and cried out.

"How is that possible?"

Chu Qianyue was more shocked than Qian Changhai.

Spirit flying step?

The boy unexpectedly understood the body method that can only be understood during the Qi gathering period. If he wants to fly with the sword, he must first learn the spirit flying step.

In the gas gathering period, it will be used naturally after a little study, but it is very difficult to achieve in gas refining.

It's almost similar to lightness skill. It can resist gravity in a short time and make yourself light as a swallow to fly more than ten meters. Some powerful ones can fly tens of meters.

Chu Qianyue couldn't think much. Her accomplishments were suppressed during the Qi refining period. She couldn't resist gravity at all. In an instant, her aura surged wildly and reached the Qi gathering period at one fell swoop.

But it's still late.

Li Daochong had rushed to Chu Qianyue and hit him quickly.


Li Daochong flew out like a broken kite and hit the wall more than ten meters away. When his consciousness disappeared, he raised his right hand, held a torn corner of his clothes in his hand, and fainted with a smile on his face.