Hiding in the dark, Li Daochong, who saw the whole process in his eyes, hesitated again and again, and finally took the shot.

The dialogue between Li Qingyao and the three evil men sounded to Li Daochong somewhat confused and unpredictable.

But it seems that Li Qingyao knows something unknown.

Li Daochong doesn't like Li Qingyao very much, but he is a family. Even if he has a holiday with his sister, who is not welcome to see him all day, he can only teach him a lesson by himself. Seeing Li Qingyao being bullied and humiliated, Li Daochong can't watch it anyway.

A mental attack was originally intended to directly bombard the short and strong youth into idiots, but it was too far away from more than 50 meters, and the mental strength of the short and strong youth also exceeded Li Daochong's prediction.

Unfortunately, it only paralyzed the target.

Seeing that the attack did not achieve the expected effect, Li Daochong had to shout and stop.

However, Li Daochong didn't intend to show up. He didn't trust Li Qingyao, so he changed his voice at the same time.

It was hoarse and deep. It didn't sound like a young man at all.

"Who?" the bald man looked around, but found nothing.

"People you can't provoke." Li Daochong used his mind to spread his voice. At the level of the three evil men, he couldn't hear where the voice came from.

"Friends, we all come out to mix. You don't know the rules of the underground city. Our blood knife club has always been against the river with the well water of other gangs, but if anyone provokes us, the blood knife club has never been afraid of anyone." the bald head can't find the direction of the voice. He knows that the other party's strength is good and he is afraid. He tells himself that he can intimidate the other party with the reputation of the blood knife club.

"I'll give you three seconds to go away, or you'll be killed." Li Daochong's low, hoarse voice was beyond doubt.

"My friend, it seems that you must fight against our blood saber." the bald face showed a ferocious color.


The dull expression of the short and strong young man gradually recovered. He looked around in horror. His hair stood upright. He just felt like he was dead. He didn't know anything for a few seconds.

As if at that moment, he disappeared from the world.

"Dwarf, what are you waiting for? Quickly release the signal card to call for reinforcements." the bald head winked at the short and strong young man, and his voice was pressed to the lowest.

Unfortunately, even with such a low voice, Li Daochong heard it clearly.

The short and strong young man immediately reached for his pocket.


Suddenly, the short and strong young man let out a scream and collapsed to the ground. His body kept twitching, holding his head in his hands.

Looking at the short and strong young man, he was bald and frightened. He had heard that there were very few practitioners among the practitioners. They had the super spiritual attack of killing and invisible.

Without Qi gathering period, mental strength can not reach the degree of mental attack.

The bald body trembled for a while. The Qi gathering period was the uppermost existence in the blood knife club, which was not provoked by small minions like them at all.

"Ah." another big man fell down with a scream.

The fear made the bald head involuntarily release his hands holding Li Qingyao.

At this time, Li Qingyao was also blinded. She was also looking for the source of the sound, but the sound seemed to come directly through the void and was not here at all.

Bald head turned and ran away.

Just ran two steps, "ah." a scream fell to the ground, hugged his head and rolled over.

After a while, the three big men were quiet and all fainted. Li Qingyao was left standing alone.

At the same time, after a scrapped lingfu car in the distance, Li Dao rushed and sat on the ground. He wanted to make an effective mental attack on the three people at such a distance, so he had to work hard and even exceeded the limit he could bear.

The mental strength of the three evil men is also stronger than that of ordinary people. It should be that the complex and harsh living environment of the underground city has exercised their willpower.

Li Daochong launched three mental attacks, and the whole person collapsed. Fortunately, the mental strength increased after the previous upgrade, otherwise he had to show up.

"Thank you, sir. Can you show up?" Li Qingyao said gratefully.

"You don't have to. Tell me where head Li is now?" Li Daochong asked with a strong spirit.

"Captain Li? Senior, are you?" Li Qingyao was stunned.

"I'm your father's old headquarters. I don't believe it. The investigation has been going on for some time, but there has been no progress. The head was framed, right?" Li Daochong asked his own voice.

Li Qingyao gently pursed her lower lip. Although the other party saved herself, she refused to see her as she really was, which inevitably made her a little wary. Naturally, she refused to answer this extremely sensitive question.

Li Qingyao has been cheated once and has learned well this time.

"Senior, junior don't know anything." Li Qingyao made up her mind that no matter whether the other party is true or false, she won't disclose any information about her father.

When Li Qingyao said this, Li Daochong frowned slightly. The girl would be alert and troublesome, so she said again.

"Don't know anything? Girl, I heard all the conversations you had with those three guys just now. Didn't you pay them to buy the news about where your father is? It's just a pit. Don't worry, I'm really your father's old department. Tell me what you know, and I can certainly help Li Tuan's rehabilitation."

"Elder, I really don't know anything." Li Qingyao was unmoved.

Li Daochong is a little crazy, but he can't expose himself in front of Li Qingyao. Li Qingyao contacts a complex group of dandies, all of the four families, and the second and third generations of other powerful families in Tianyuan city. Li Daochong remembers that Li Qingyao once attended Zhan Honglie's birthday party.

"Girl, fifteen years ago, head Li led three confidants to the top star invaded by the underworld to carry out a mission. When passing through Liusha City, he saw a four-year-old girl hanging on a tree to worship exorcism and was about to be burned to death. Head Li saved the girl regardless of the risk of revealing her identity. As a result, her identity was exposed and found by three fierce ghosts. During the fierce battle, head Li was injured and the girl's back waist was burned The dark fire invaded, leaving a purple red mark the size of a thumb. That girl is you. Am I right? "Li Daochong had to say this little-known thing in order to win Li Qingyao's trust.

Li Qingyao's eyes were slightly open, her eyes were hazy, and she tried to hold back her tears. No one except Li Tianyang would know about this past, because the three confidants who followed Li Tianyang died in that mission.

Li Tianyang saved her from the underworld with his life.

"Dad, you had such an important task at that time. Why did you save me? Aren't you afraid you can't finish the task?" Li Qingyao asked Li Tianyang after growing up.

"If I can save one, I can't even save a child. What kind of practice do I have to be?" Li Tianyang said lightly.

Memories flashed by, Li Qingyao's lips trembled, "senior, I......" spit out three words and choked.

Li Daochong sighed in his heart, "girl, I ask you three questions. If you are willing to answer, answer them. If you are not willing to answer, treat them as if I didn't ask. The first question is whether head Li was framed?"


"Where is head Li?"

"I'm looking for my father, too."

"Why did you frame captain Li and his son?"

"My father asked me to do so. Before the accident, he sent me an encrypted thousands of miles to send this message to an old man named Pang Dahai at Tianya office, No. 18 milk lane, Nanmen Street."

"By the way, did you send it?"


"It's not safe here, girl. Let's go and find a place to hide first."

The hoarse voice reminded me, and there was no sound.

Li Qingyao stood for a long time. There was no sound. She looked around. There was no figure around. She just seemed to be talking to the air.

After asking, Li Daochong hid directly until he watched Li Qingyao drive his lingfu away safely. Then he returned to his car and left the underground city.

When he got home, Li Daochong was not hungry. Yinping prepared a table of rich dinner as usual. Li Daochong, who was about to faint, ate a lot.

Two pots of sea animal meat were eaten without bone residue. Li Daochong was satisfied and went back to his bedroom.

A cloth bag of soul crystals, Li Daochong took an hour to absorb them all, and his aura increased a lot.

However, there is no sign of upgrading. The amount of Reiki required for the fifth level of Qi refining is beyond imagination.

The pain from time to time in Li Daochong's left shoulder joint made his heart unable to calm down completely.

The dark hand Zhan Honglie laid on him this time is cruel and poisonous.

However, every increase in Li Daochong's aura will reduce the pain on his shoulder by one point.

The next five imprisoned wolf ghosts were also absorbed by Li Daochong.

The five wolf ghosts are the most powerful ghost that Li Daochong has absorbed so far.

This kind of ghost with wolf shaped secluded body is much stronger than those ghosts Li Daochong met before. It can only be dealt with by refining Qi for at least six layers.

If it were not for spending money to buy, it would be impossible to capture or hunt with Li Daochong's existing strength.

When the third wolf ghost was absorbed by Li Daochong, the hot blood updater finally issued an upgrade prompt.

"Soul power gain, host upgrade, level 6."

Li Daochong had never felt so full, his aura was violently tumbling and expanding, and the third basic spiritual pulse was completely activated and enlarged, full of elasticity.

Finally, the two wolf ghost disciples absorbed it, and Li Daochong did not upgrade again. Obviously, the more later, the amount of Reiki needed will increase exponentially.

However, the fourth basic spirit pulse was also activated, from withered to moist, swollen and thick, and followed the strong pulse of the heartbeat.

The spirit pulse is like the heart, and the spirit Qi is blood. It circulates repeatedly, shrinks and releases, feeds the flesh, and automatically hardens the body.

There is no possibility of cultivating truth for those without spiritual pulse.

The five spiritual channels are accessible, which is the minimum condition for the final accumulation of Qi. Only when the nine channels are fully connected, the accumulation of Qi will be completed, the nine channels are combined, and the spiritual root is present, can the foundation be built.

The four spiritual channels are accessible, and Li Daochong's brain has quietly changed. His mental power has more than doubled than before.

Li Daochong couldn't wait to enter the spirit net. He entered a test platform at will and came to a fist strength tester.


One punch.

2345 Jin!

It was more than four times as much as before. Li Daochong withdrew from the spirit net with a smile. Although he absorbed a lot of aura, he had been sleepy because of his extreme use of mental power before. As soon as he withdrew, he fell into bed and went to sleep.