Qingshiling, the cold wind is bleak.

I couldn't see my fingers under the night.

Li Daochong's eyes gleamed slightly. He could actually see the gray scene three or four feet away. He had a clear vision.

This is one of the symbols of the first layer of gas refining.

Li Daochong hid behind a big Bluestone. A group of stone horn cattle gathered together not far away and slept on their backs.

Although stone horn cattle are herbivores, they are very violent and aggressive. Hundreds of civilians die under the horns of stone horn cattle every year.

Li Daochong held his breath and held the rusty sickle tightly in his hand. This is the only weapon he can find in the slum. Which house should be used for weeding. Li Daochong, who has no money, can only make do with it.

Li Daochong's goal is a stone horned cow. At present, a group of stone horned cows gather together. The noise is too big to wake them up. That's sad.

It's good to be able to pass a stone horn cow in the first layer of gas refining. I'm afraid the third layer of gas refining may not be able to deal with a group of stone horn cows.

Li Daochong picked up a small stone under his feet and smashed it at the smaller stone horn cow nearest to him.


The pebble bounced on the thick cow leather. The stone horn cow didn't feel it and couldn't even touch it.

Just when Li Dao was in trouble how to seduce a stone horn ox out.



A dull roar came from one side.

Li Daochong was surprised, his body tightened and screamed. He quickly rolled back into the gap under the big Bluestone.

This sound is the characteristic roar of hyenas.

The sleeping stone horn cattle woke up in a moment and made waves of MoO screams, desperate.

Hyenas are the natural enemies of stone horn cattle and the king of blue bay star wildlife.

It takes at least four layers of Qi refining strength to deal with it.

The first layer of Qi refining is a dish in front of the hyena lion.

Hyenas come and go, and the wind is strong.

A dark shadow jumped out from under the big Bluestone on Li Daochong's right, and an hyena master with a body length of more than one Zhang ran out no more than five Zhang away from Li Daochong's hiding place.

Li Daochong was in a cold sweat. He didn't feel that the hyenas were so close to him. If the goal of the hyenas was himself, wouldn't it have become a Chinese meal for the hyenas.

The stone horn cattle scattered and fled. The hyenas were as fast as lightning, locked the target, jumped up and bit on their neck.

The stone horn cow screamed and fell to the ground. It was vulnerable. Soon there was no sound. The hyena lion lay on the stone horn cow, regardless of others, and devoted himself to enjoying the prey.

Li Daochong had no intention of hunting stone horn cattle at this time. He just wanted to leave here as soon as possible. The hyenas were far from what he could deal with.

Li Daochong crawled out of the gap, and the cat leaned back with the help of big bluestones to make sure that the hyena lion didn't pay attention to himself, turned and ran away.

After the upgrade, Li Daochong's running speed has improved a lot. At the beginning, he had a weak body. He had to run for 17 seconds in the 100 meter sprint, even the little girl can't run.

The old Zhiling wristwatch on Li Daochong's wrist strap shows that he will run 100 meters in just 10 seconds.

The increase is far beyond Li Daochong's imagination.

Li Daochong was secretly happy.

Suddenly, moo, a cow barks.

Right in my ear.

Li Daochong jumped from the corner of his eye, reacted quickly and jumped to the right. A gust of wind passed behind him, and a huge stone horn ox rubbed his body and hit it.


The stone horn ox that came from the sneak attack hit a large bluestone more than ten feet high and knocked it over directly.

Li Daochong's palms are sweating. What's the strange force? This stone horn cow is obviously larger than other stone horn cows. It almost reaches the size of an hyena lion. Its back is high and uplifted. A pair of stone horns on its head are large and wide, and its horns are sharp.

The stone horn cow looked restless and furious. It knocked over big Bluestone without stopping. It turned around and accelerated and hit Li Daochong more rapidly.

Shijiao cattle weighs more than 500 kg, but its huge size does not affect its speed. At a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, it is a speeding lingfu locomotive in front of ordinary people.


Li Daochong vomited, grabbed the sickle in both hands, jumped up and jumped more than four meters high.

The stone horn cow bumped into the air, moo and shouted impatiently.

Li Daochong fell from the air. Taking advantage of the falling trend, he stabbed the sickle into the back of the stone horn ox.


A foot and a half long sickle fell into the back of the stone horn ox.

The sharp pain made the stone horn cattle completely crazy, moo, crazy swing, bang, Li Daochong was thrown off vigorously and hit a big Bluestone heavily.

Li Daochong felt that his bones were falling apart. Before he could stand up, the stone horn cow ran into him angrily.

The handle of the sickle stood on the back of the stone horn ox.

Li Daochong got up in a hurry. Seeing that he could not escape, he subconsciously stretched out his hands and grabbed the horn.

Even if there is a layer of gas refining, there is absolutely no way to overwhelm shijiaoniu in power. Li Daochong is completely instinctive at this time. He can't hide.


The moment his hands touched the ox horn, Li Daochong was full of strength.


Li Daochong was surprised to make a soft sound. Why is the strength of the stone horn cow so weak? He actually succeeded in intercepting the collision of the stone horn cow, and he only stepped back five or six steps.

After a standoff for a while, Li Daochong gritted his teeth and made a force with his hands. The whole stone horn cow was pulled to the ground by him, and the cow's nose was panting.

Li Daochong found that the place where the scythe stabbed the stone horn ox's back was like a spring of blood. The knife seemed to hit the key. No wonder the strength of the stone horn ox decreased greatly. After being pulled down, he never got up again. It seemed that a blue light fog diffused from the stone horn ox and penetrated into Li Daochong's body.

At this meeting, Li Daochong was exhausted, and his aura was exhausted. He didn't dare to stay here for a long time. There was an hyena hundreds of meters away.

Li Daochong drove the old lingfu pickup truck over, used the lever principle to get the stone horn cow to the car, and took his prey back to the city.

With only a rusty sickle, Li Daochong, who had just stepped into the first layer of gas refining, killed an adult stone horn ox unharmed.

Back home, Li Daochong parked his car in the yard, went into the house and fell asleep.

The next day, the silver bottle looked at the behemoth behind the car, and its small mouth opened for a long time.

Li Daochong didn't explain to her, but asked her to quickly prepare the base and ingredients and eat hot pot at noon.

Silver vase is obedient. She won't ask more about the young master. She won't ask questions unless the young master says it himself.

Li Daochong spent nine cattle and two tigers to remove an ox leg. The only two kitchen knives and the sickle at home were all broken, and the hardness of the stone horn ox bone was beyond imagination.

Without a bone chopping knife that weighs the hand, I'm afraid the stone horn cow has rotted away without eating its mouth.

Li Daochong was not vague. He went to butcher Liu's shop in the East Lane next door with an ox leg and changed a brand-new bone chopping knife. In the slum, Shijiao beef was first-class. Butcher Liu saw that the ox leg was fresh and full of meat. It looked wild. Without saying a word, he gave Li Daochong a bone chopping knife made of steel.

When he got home, Li Dao broke up the stone horn cattle, skinned and scraped the meat with his bare arm.

At noon, the master and servant had a big meal. Li Daochong didn't stop until he had a round stomach.

In the afternoon, the silver bottle took part of the viscera and meat to the vegetable market to sell. This kind of superior meat is not common in the slums. Coupled with the low price, it was sold out in a short time.

Silver bottle happily earned more than 300 federal dollars, and yesterday's sadness disappeared.

After lunch, Li Daochong opened the hot blood updater and was surprised to find that the balance of soul power value displayed on the equipment material exchange column was not 0, but 10.

Li Daochong immediately remembered the blue light fog when he killed the stone horn cattle.

"If you're right, kill the ghost to get upgraded soul power, and kill the beast to get soul power?"

Li Daochong said to himself. The preliminary judgment is like this. Whether the guess is correct needs further verification.

As a programmer, Li Daochong has a rigorous and thoughtful work style.

How to use the hot blood upgrade? How to upgrade? What conditions do you need? What kind of strength improvement will each level have?

Li Daochong wants to know the answers to many questions as soon as possible.

The hot blood updater shows that its current level is level 1.

Li Daochong felt that the amount of aura in his body had increased significantly. The previous aura was entirely due to the pill his father Li Tianyang gave him regardless of the cost.

Unfortunately, the effect is very little. Li Daochong's nine basic spiritual veins can't be opened up no matter what method he uses.

This kind of qualification equivalent to disability, let alone cultivation, is not even as good as ordinary people.

There are nine basic spiritual veins in the human body. Those with excellent talent will have different numbers, and there are five element spiritual veins, and there is Xuantian spiritual veins above the five element spiritual veins.

There are few people with Xuantian spiritual pulse, and each one is the pride of heaven.

If you want to cultivate truth, you must first open up nine basic spiritual channels. One basic spiritual channel will open up every level during the Qi refining period.

Nine layers of Qi refining and nine veins are all connected. Ten layers of Qi refining and nine veins are integrated into one. The spiritual roots are firmly established and the foundation is built.

There has always been a saying on the spiritual website, "if you don't build a spiritual foundation, don't say you are a cultivator.".

"Basic skill" Li Daochong was disappointed after his practice. There was nothing surprising. They were all simple and repeated movements. The only difference was that this set of skill had no restrictions. It could be played with bare hands or on swords, guns and sticks.

It is too complex and falls behind, which runs counter to the specialization emphasized in the school.

What's more strange is that Li Daochong has refined his Qi, but the basic spirit pulse in his body has not been opened up. The increased spirit is completely fed back to him after the hot blood upgrader absorbs the soul power.

There are still some questions about the hot blood upgrader to be solved. At present, what Li Daochong can do is to consolidate the basic skill method, stabilize the aura in the body and lay a solid foundation for Qi refining.


The weekend will soon pass.

In the morning, Li Daochong drank five bowls of Shijiao beef soup and five big steamed buns. He was full and set foot on the road to school.

Li Daochong ran all the way from Xicheng slum to the gate of Xuancang University, nearly 30 kilometers away, more than an hour without stopping.

In Li Daochong's opinion, the hot blood upgrade is just a springboard. As for how high you can jump, you have to rely on yourself. Continuous cultivation is the king.

When Li Daochong saw the grand gate of Xuancang University, he smiled and ran down at a uniform speed of 30 kilometers. Li Daochong gasped and didn't feel tired, which was absolutely impossible in the past.

Just as Li Daochong stopped and walked towards the school gate, a "Star" class spiritual floating car sped up and stopped beside Li Daochong.

When the door opened, a tall and beautiful girl stepped out of the door and immediately attracted the attention of many students inside and outside the school. The women were envious and the men's eyes were straight. Qiao Ximo, the first beauty of Xuancang University and Tianyuan city.

Li Daochong is currently the nominally fiancee.