Disaster is coming.

Hundreds of people were nothing at all in front of the monster. It just used some means to knock all the others to the ground.

At this moment, countless people felt that there might be no help here.

The bird king was stunned.

Even if he had gone to war, he had never met this scene.

"It's said that in the old world, such monsters wreaked havoc in the world at that time, but they were left outside because of a disaster, and now

They reappeared in the world!

These monsters once crushed our parents directly, and countless humans died at that time. "

Some people who still remember a little began to talk at this moment.

When the bird king heard this, he immediately screamed.

This kind of monster, he can't fight, and once almost destroyed human civilization, is not what he should fight at all.

Fortunately, at this moment, the monkey ran over.

It tilted its head and looked at the monster, then bared its teeth and made some terrible gestures.

The monster looked at it.

Then, the monster who didn't know the fear, didn't know the horror of the monkey, and rushed over directly.

The battle broke out.

The strength of the monkey is quite terrible. After being punched by the monster, the anger in the whole chest also burns up.

Therefore, it also hit the monster on the chest.


The monster's chest collapsed directly, and you can even see everything that has been broken inside.

At this moment, everyone, including the bird king, looked at all this with shock.

It's too shocking.

They didn't think that monsters could be solved, but they really didn't think that solving such monsters would be so simple.


The king of the bird took a breath of cool air and looked at the monkey who had gathered up the monster, and took away a gel's monkey. He was frightened and walked slowly past: "monkey, monkey brother, please..."

"Boo, boo, boo!"

The monkey also showed his teeth to him.

Perhaps thinking of the previous scene, the bird king was so frightened that he didn't dare to move on the spot. He calmed down when the monkey left and stood in front of the statue again.

Looking at the monster body in front of him, he suddenly thought of the previous man, waved and said, "what should I do now?"

"I heard that this kind of thing can infect..."

After he spoke, countless people ran away immediately.


"It's contagious!"

"It will become a monster and will be killed by the monkey."

"How terrible!"

"Run, run..."

People don't care about the monsters behind them, the bird king and others. Now for them, running away is the key.

The rest is not important.

Or, it's not very important.

When they ran away, the bird king saw it, but he was also very helpless. He couldn't catch all the people directly, could he?

"What should I do?"

The bird king looked at the man in front of him and suddenly smiled and said, "if you can help me solve this guy, I will give you an official post."

As soon as the man's eyes lit up, he immediately nodded and said, "there's really a way. Just bury it."


Things people forget are gradually recalled.

Once they forgot that people were to be buried, and some even threw their bodies directly into the wilderness, but now, because of the emergence of this monster and the possibility of monster infection, everyone needs to be buried after death.

The bird king was afraid that these people would climb out, so he ordered all the dead to be buried around the ice sculpture.

At least, although the monkey is not very friendly to him, it will solve some monsters, which is enough.

Or they are natural enemies.

Perhaps they are not integrated with each other.

But no matter what, the monkey will not do to himself, but the monster will definitely do to him.

The bird king is not a fool. Naturally, he knows what to do directly.

Time is still the most worthless thing in the world. Everyone still lives their own life. Later, some people met some monsters.

However, most of them can't enter the city at all. Even if they get lucky, they will be directly shot by the monkey.

After one after another, the monkey became the darling of the whole bird King City.

As long as it appears, most people will send some food and delicious food directly without any requirements at all.

People are grateful, which is the biggest difference from animals.

The monkey will also be grateful. When he saw what those people gave him to eat, he directly killed and dragged back some monsters around the bird King City.

Bird King City has suddenly become the most calm place in the whole world.

"Take advantage of this opportunity, we must expand as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no chance later." the bird king is not a fool. After hearing that there are some cases of monsters invading the surrounding cities, he directly opened his own road of expansion.

One city after another was broken, and his population gradually ushered in a great outbreak.

In this case, the bird king is more and more like a king day by day.

And, most importantly, he finally explored the beach.

A city built by the sea made him jealous when he saw it. After several negotiations with monkeys, he finally succeeded in moving the ice sculptures of Fang Mo and ye Qingcheng to another city.

At the same time, he also stepped up the construction of the city's defense circle.

This is a huge circle, because once you can't cover all places, it will inevitably lead to some monsters.


A long city wall was built in the blood and tears of countless people.

Outside, there must be many places that have not been explored, but the bird king can only do so. Otherwise, the human beings on the bird King's territory will live very hard.


"The bird king will last forever!"

When the court meeting appeared, all the ministers bowed down to him, making the bird king in a trance for a moment, as if he could master the whole world.

He swallowed his saliva and said slowly, "didn't someone say that there are many places on the sea that haven't been found before?

In that case, build a ship, start exploration as soon as possible, and find something corresponding by the way. "

The expansion of the territory of the bird king has stopped here.

Many things have been excavated by his people, and even some particularly interesting things.

For example, something that can move through steam.

"I heard that there was a train before, which could run directly on the track, and the train could be built with steam!"

Someone put forward his own idea and said with hot eyes.