Mei Mei and Ya Nan both have a little sense of intransigence.

Unexpectedly, in this last world, a battle began.

Let the eldest sister look at it. She shouted loudly several times. Unfortunately, the two women ignored her at all.

How does she know how comfortable it is to have a man full of security?

She won't know.

Therefore, naturally I don't understand what Yanan and her sister think.

A group of people set out in a mighty manner.

On the other side, he was also looking at their monster. At this time, he was waving his claws. Suddenly, he raised his head, bit his teeth and said, "go, let's go out!"

Bang, bang, Bang

When he began to walk, bursts of broken bones came out of him, but nothing happened to his body.

It's not only nothing, but also very comfortable.

The people behind them, after seeing this scene, followed up one by one quickly, for fear that they could not keep up, and the speed was still very fast.


Of course, Fang Mo didn't know that the other side had begun to go out, but even if he knew, he would never take it seriously.

After all, living in this world itself is to take risks. They take such risks, which is a correct choice.

In fact, there is only one thing that can't be done in the end of the world.

That is, fear of death.

The more afraid of death, the more accidents will happen.

On the contrary, if you are not afraid of death, many things may not happen.

He knew this very well, and because of this, he was never afraid.

Of course, this is also because ye Qingcheng once reminded him not to be afraid. The more afraid, the more likely things will happen.

Instead, he rushed out to fight, but nothing would happen.

With this belief, he will only appreciate this group of people and can't have another idea.

of course.

The eldest sister on the other side was not ready to go out, but after seeing the person led by the monster appear, she also clenched her teeth and said, "go, we'll go out too!"

After that, she walked out without looking back.

That night, the peace of the town was broken.

All this is because of a person.

This man is Fang mo.

At this time, the people who broke the peace of the town were still walking ahead with the group.

Many monsters will subconsciously avoid him after seeing the smell emitted from him. Many wonderful creatures dare to come and hang around him, but they just hang around.

"Ah, mother earth, this wonderful animal has been derived!"

When seeing a monster with big wings but a pair of fins passing by, Fang Mo couldn't help but sigh.


The two girls around him were startled.

Among them, Yanan slapped Fang Mo's arm directly, turned her eyes and said, "brother, can you stop this? It will scare people to death!"

"Oh, really?" Fang Mo was in a good mood. He didn't mind it. Instead, he laughed and said, "I know. I'll remind you next time."

Seeing the two people pale with fear, he almost laughed.

That's what makes him different from others.

Others may care whether these monsters will come and kill them at any time, but Fang Mo never cares.

This group of monsters originally lived in this world. If you don't care about them now, you will encounter them one day in the future.

Therefore, fear is useless.


He also knew that even if he talked to these people about this idea, it would hardly have any effect. He simply didn't even say it. He just continued to move forward.

Anyway, the danger here is not much danger for him.

After walking for about half an hour, Fang Mo and others came to the hut.

My brother and sister were obviously relieved when they saw the hut.

This, in fact, is equivalent to a safe zone in their hearts. When they come here, they naturally won't have any fear.

After all, in a period of time here, they have relied on here several times to avoid many dangers.

Therefore, when they come here, the fear in their hearts will disappear.

But others don't think so. Most of them are still looking around vigilantly.

Fang Mo was different from both sides. He didn't care at all. Instead, he pulled hard, opened the door and went in.

At the moment he went in, Yanan shouted. Seeing Fang Mo dull, she hurriedly ran over and grabbed Fang Mo's arm: "I, I'm afraid."


Fang Mo coughed twice, shook off his arm, and returned what the other party had just said to himself: "when you talk next time, pay attention to reminding, it will scare people to death!"

"Cut, stingy man..."

Yanan muttered in her stomach, but her face was very clever. Her little head gently nodded. That means, I already know. Don't say it again.

Fang Mo nodded and smiled, then stepped to the bedside and opened the bed.

Bang Dang.

When the opening was opened, a monster suddenly came out from below.

The monster, about ten feet tall, just showed his head, looked extremely ferocious, and his eyes were filled with boundless cold.

Crowd: "

People are dull at first, and then seem to think of something. While swallowing their saliva one by one, they are also going backwards quickly.

Even if my brother didn't want to leave, he had to go out directly under the influence of so many people.

The next moment.

So many people stood outside, including Yanan, and only one sister was still beside Fang mo.

"It's terrible. What the hell is that?"

"I don't know, but it looks like a terrible monster. We'd better not get close."

"Yes, don't get close. It's better to leave it to the boss."

"In this case, it's really safe."

One by one, people stood outside very relaxed. They felt that they were not in any danger.

This idea lasted for a while.



Behind him, a larger monster suddenly appeared. This monster was more huge and ferocious. It was covered with barbs all over its body, and its eyes were still shining with cruel colors.

A group of people who just ran out were scared and stupid.

They suddenly regret it. Why did they come out?