Gudu gudu

Bubbles keep coming out one by one.

Inside the pot, it was like turning over rivers and seas, and a stench began to appear.

When some people were ready to escape, ye Qingcheng said faintly, "I can't bear the smell. Do you think you still have hope? Is it possible to surpass the previous one?

I guess not? "

The people who heard this sentence were all innocent, but they all obediently stopped their actions.

Demon king, worthy of being a demon king.

Do you want to do everything to torture them?

Well, admit it

What else can I do if I don't recognize it?

Everyone knows that they may be unhappy, but this person will never give them any mercy, or even give them a chance at all.

They understand this, very, very uncomfortable, but they can't say anything.

What dare they say in the face of a demon king.

In a word, it's Xiaoming's abandonment.

Because of this, everyone dared not speak, for fear that they would continue to stimulate the woman in front of them. If she was stimulated, maybe some of them would be tortured.

Maybe that person is themselves.

Yang Dake took a look at Liman at this time. He understood what the hell this guy was.

Very simply, it is impossible for this guy to give them a chance. Not only is it impossible to give them a chance, but he may also completely eliminate all the brutality and courage in these guys' hearts.

After understanding this, Yang Dake was stunned.

He didn't know why he had to follow such a demon king.

It's suicide.

But when he thought of evolution, he threw it all away.

If it can be peaceful, it means that he cannot evolve. If the world changes a little, he may still die, and the death will be more miserable.

So he quickly accepted all this.

It can be dangerous to follow a demon king.

But if he doesn't follow such a demon king, he may never have a chance in his life.

She can even come back from the dead. What else can't she do?

Since the other party is willing to do something he shouldn't do, it's enough for him to be obedient.

It's no use thinking about anything else.

In the pot.

One gel began to become transparent.

No one knows the usefulness of these things, but they understand that they and others may soon use them. At that time, they will become a different kind of people.

To tell you the truth, they are still very excited.

Being able to evolve means that they are completely out of a dangerous situation and can even become another kind of people.

At that time, even food can be supplied more.

And all this was given to them by the demon king.

Although the demon king has a bad temper and is not so easy to get along with, these people all think that such a person may give them more hope.

Therefore, when ye Qingcheng saw that those things became transparent, he motioned li man to take them out, and said, "OK, just grasp it and crush it hard, you can evolve. Of course, stay away.

At the same time, remember my words, no matter what kind of pain you encounter, you should stick to it.

If you don't insist, there's nothing wrong with becoming a monster. "

Then she stopped talking.

Those who began to get the gel were all flurried, especially in the city of Ye.

However, they thought that they would be different as long as they did it this time. They had no other ideas one by one.

If there are still ideas, there is only one left.

Become an evolutionist and a terrible person at the same time. Slowly follow the demon king and touch the whole world a little.


"Qingcheng, aren't you in a hurry? These people haven't adapted yet. The chances of becoming monsters will increase at that time. Shouldn't you pause for a while at this time?"

Fang Mo knew that ye Qingcheng could hear it, so he couldn't help but speak.

Ye Qingcheng hung a headset on her right ear. No one found it because no one dared to look at her. Li Man and Yang Dake found it, but they didn't dare to ask.

At this time, she touched the earphone and walked towards a place step by step before others began to evolve.

Then she kicked on the package and said, "what do you think? You're sick!"

"If you want to live in this cruel end of the world, what is there without any risk? Even if you stop standing on the roadside, maybe someone will look at you and cut you into two ends with a knife, not to mention others."

When ye Qingcheng finished, he gathered his hair and said very gently, "do you remember when you were? At that time, you also adapted step by step."

Fang Mo: "... But shouldn't it be so fast? It took me more than half a year to get out, not to mention your step-by-step guidance. Basically everything is fine, but what about them?"


Ye Qingcheng sneered with disdain, shook his head and said, "you have half a year. That's because I'm your wife, so you have it. This is luck. Others can't envy you.

Other people don't. It can only be said that others are mentally disabled and don't deserve such opportunities and luck.

Moreover, you have half a year, and I gave them half a day. If you can't adapt, you can only say that they are really not suitable for the world. "

Fang Mo moved and made himself comfortable as much as possible, muttering, "what do you want me to say about you?"

"Then don't say anything, okay?" Ye Qingcheng snorted coldly and then said, "it is precisely because of your ideas like this or that that that your power is not strong enough. Do you know that the next stage of the end of the world has begun to approach?

You don't know?

Although there is still a period of time, the period before the next stage has begun to come.

I know you haven't paid attention to it. I know to tease sister, tease sister. Tell me what else you've done? "

"I didn't flirt with my sister. I'm really trying to do everything you said..." Fang Mo struggled powerlessly.


Ye Qingcheng patted the package: "yes, you really worked hard. For such a long time, even 10000 new humans are not ready. Look at my mother, in a few days, I will let 10000 new humans appear in the whole world!"

"... didn't you just say that Liman evolved too fast?" Fang Mo blinked.

"Just now? Oh, you said that time, that time was that time, now is now. Who makes you a bar spirit?" Ye Qingcheng giggled and turned around with a cold face. "No, someone has begun to become a monster."