When several people in clean clothes and sunglasses came to Fang Mo, he still couldn't believe it.

Order, re established?

And these people, well dressed and fucking clean.

Much cleaner than him.

"Live here or live here?" a young man with a cigarette end came out behind several people. He sneered: "if you live here, you will leave half of your things. If you want to live here, you will leave 80% of your things."

"This is the rule!"

At this point, he threw the hot cigarette butts on the ground and looked left and right.

Click, click, click


Several people took out the semi-automatic guns and pointed the muzzle at the person in front of them.

"We pay attention to rules and like people who speak rules. If we don't pay attention to rules, don't blame us." the young man came forward and suddenly looked at Ye Qingcheng with astonishment, stretched out his hand and pointed, and said proudly: "you're very good. If you're willing to follow our boss..."


The arm was easily broken by Fang Mo: "my woman, you also want to touch? Death, you know?"

Dada, dada!

The muzzle began to rage.

But at this time, Fang Mo suddenly stopped the youth in front of him, let their bullets vent on the man, and he was close to several people in black.

The next moment.

He appeared behind several people with a Shua.

Far away.

In a window.

The middle-aged man frowned slightly and flicked the ash in his hand: "this little guy, what a fast speed and terrible reaction."

With these words, he knocked on the wall.

Dong Dong Dong.

Several people rushed out and bowed to him.

"Let people decorate it. A big fish came in. Oh, by the way, don't hurry to close the net, I'll go and have a look." the middle-aged man said here, put on one side's suit and walked down the stairs slowly and firmly.

Behind him, he automatically followed a large group of people.

Soon, the middle-aged man came to Fang Mo: "introduce myself. My name is Ding Zhenhai. I used to be a mine owner. Now... I'm a principal here."

He held out his hand.

Before the end of the world, he had countless men and countless money.

At that time, he knew that he might live a long, long time in the end of the world.


Sure enough, as he imagined, when he got the weapon, he really became different, and even ran an extremely safe community himself.

Since then, Ding Zhenhai has been like an emperor. Every time he travels, many people must follow him.

He felt that whether the last world came or not had little to do with himself.

Before the end of the world, he was very arrogant.

After the end of the world, he was even more powerful.

Self confidence makes him feel that he can handle anything, even the fast-moving young man in front of him.

"Fang Mo, cartoonist."

Fang Mo's self introduction was very simple. At the same time, he didn't mean to shake hands with each other. Instead, he smiled and said, "we're just passing by. I don't know if the big man is willing to let go?"


Ding Zhenhai was stunned at first, and then laughed: "that's natural. I'm not a murderer. You have to cross the road. Of course, there's no problem, just..."

Fang Mo knew there was a turning point as soon as he took a smoke in his heart.

In front of this guy.

Strength is nothing.

But the weapons he has are really powerful.

At this point in time, he found twenty-five snipers, four cannons and fourteen rocket launchers, and one that could not even see through him, but was enough to kill him.

Ox fork.

Really ox fork.

Worthy of being the mine owner

"It's just that brothers always leave something when they pass here. Otherwise, I'll clean up the zombies here for nothing. I think you have so many backpacks, as well as large and small bags. Just give me some of them. How about it?"

"I don't want much, just half. As long as I pay this half, I don't have any opinion even if I continue to stay here after brother."

Ding Zhenhai looked at Fang Mo peacefully.

He was not afraid.

Because as long as he is coerced, someone will shoot immediately.

He will not be afraid of death. As long as he can maintain his own rules, it is much more important than small life.

So he is not afraid.

I'm not afraid, but I hope Fang Mo can do something.

Let him know how fearless he is.

"I'm afraid you can't use the things in the backpack. I don't want to stay. Draw a way out. How can I get through?" Fang Mo looked around at random and said: "the weapons are very advanced and deadly, but I can definitely take you down before I die."


Ding Zhenhai laughed and said, "my brother misunderstood. I'm not afraid to die. If you're willing to kill me, please feel free. I know your speed just now. Why do I dare to come? Because these two beautiful little girls behind you probably don't want to die?"

"If you leave something, you can pass, or you will die together. It's so simple... Oh, by the way, brother doesn't want to stay, does he?"

He frowned and took a deep breath: "hiss, it's a little difficult to do, but I have nothing else, just one, there are many ways!"

As he spoke, he began to observe Fang Mo, ye Qingcheng and three little girls.

After observing for a long time, he nodded slowly: "if you have a brother, why don't you leave a finger, or let me touch my sister-in-law, you can pay the debt, how about it?"

"You can try!"

Fang Mo's eyes suddenly turned into a beast: "don't think your things can really kill me, such as..."

Speaking of this, Fang Mo punched the wall next to him. A fragment fell into his hand.

"Very good, very strong, you should be what you look like after evolution? But you, still can't..." before he finished, Fang Mo made a move that stunned him.


The fragment in his hand flew out.

With a bang, a figure fell down on the nearby wall.

The sniper gun in his hand also fell to the ground and made a jingling sound.

"Here, you..." Ding Zhenhai looked back, frowned and looked at Fang Mo: "it's just a stone faster than a sniper?"

"It's a bit exaggerated, but it's still understandable. Well, brother, teach me this skill. I Ding Zhenhai promise you can pass here safely, and I'll send some heat weapons."

He smiled and snapped his fingers. Soon someone sent a gun: "sometimes, fists are not everything. Look at this."