Fang moneu nuzui.

Jin Hui nodded very seriously. Then he stood up and said to the twenty people who had just quarreled but now recovered their peace: "Hey, what did you quarrel about just now, why didn't you quarrel now?"

You don't know?

Damn it, that head just fell off.

It's noisy. It's killing people. You're in charge?

Throw it!

Their hearts murmured, but they reluctantly answered.

"He slept with my wife!"

The big guy pointed to a thin guy and said, "this guy doesn't pay attention. He doesn't tell my wife when he sleeps and mocks me."

"Hey, you just said you don't mind!" the thin man also said.

"Bah!" the strong young man pointed to his nose and said, "I don't mind if you bring my wife here. Even if I acquiesce that you slept once, I won't mind, but you go!"

"You want me to die?"

"Death is death. People's death is heavier than Mount Tai and lighter than a feather. Go!"

"I just won't go."

"No, forget it. Go to bed."

"Sleep and sleep, afraid you won't?"

"Hey, hey, you're old man. Do you believe it?"

"Hurry up, I don't want to live long ago."


After a few words of quarrel, they all stopped, closed their eyes one by one and went to sleep.

No one dares to quarrel.

Fang Mo's move is a human life. What the fuck is worth arguing about?

For the sake of small life, it's better not to speak.

So as not to provoke the living king of hell.

They also began to miss the former leader.

At least the leader won't kill suddenly.

That's good.

Casual people will attack people.

And it's so fucking scary.

"No more noise?"

Fang Mo saw that Jin Hui was useless and had to stand up by himself. Although it was a pity that there was no quarrel, the problem still had to be solved, so he then asked, "is there anything unclear?"


"You don't mind if I sleep with your wife. What else can I say?"

"Hehe, you go to bed and bring people back. I'll watch you sleep, okay?"

"I believe you, ghost. What do you mean by holding a knife?"

"Nothing, just give you some marks, for example, let you enter the palace."

"Hiss, brother, you're too cruel. Let me go out to find your wife, and then you castrate me when you come back. Isn't it a little inappropriate?"

"There's nothing inappropriate."

"Well, listen to the leader!"


"Said the chief!"

In fact, they are very angry.

But I dare not vent.

Otherwise, you may lose your only life.

Therefore, I can only change a routine and continue to quarrel in order to let the other party know that I didn't just calm down.

"Let me say?" Fang Mo pointed to his nose.


Twenty people nodded together, still very shocked.

At least, it was as neat and uniform as rehearsed, which really surprised Fang mo.

Then, he didn't talk nonsense. He lightly pointed to the last person and said, "you just said that you lost your things?"

Shua Shua!

Nineteen eyes fell on the man in an instant.

Someone's eyes are saying, you tell the truth again.

Some people winked and seemed to say, don't say it. If you make the leader angry, you'll die and don't bother us.

Some people are saying in their eyes, look at yourself. It doesn't matter if your life is gone. Don't bother your brothers.

The man was really shivering.

He never thought that Fang Mo would be the first to ask him.

This made him a little confused about what he was going to say.

However, he finally stammered: "yes, yes, but I don't care. It can be brought back with the leader at any time. With the leader, what materials and so on, isn't it simple to get back?"

The more you say, the more smooth it is, the more you say, the more you don't stutter.

He really doesn't care at all?

That's absolutely false!


He didn't even have anything before, but now he has so much food, but now he has been stolen. If he doesn't mind at all, it's absolutely false.

But he knew better that Fang Mo was not easy to mess with.

"Well, let's catch mice."

Fang Mo smiled, pointed to the surroundings and said, "according to my guess and calculation, they should not have run out for about a hundred steps. In this way, as long as we look for everything here, we should be able to find it. Moreover, the materials that many people get are estimated to be under their bodies."

Speaking of this, he glanced at the side casually.

Those people were stunned first and then quit.

"Chief, this can't be!"

"The former leader said that we shouldn't be like this."

"Well, we should open our hearts and not flip other people's things."

"This is the rule. After breaking it, it's difficult to connect it again."

Maybe they mean it.

But Fang Mo doesn't believe it.

So he said to the twenty humanitarians, "just a few guys who open their mouth, see if there are any supplies under them and around them. If so, they must have stolen them."

"What should I do if the thief is caught?" he was like a teacher in a primary school classroom, asking the simplest question.

The following people, like primary school students, enthusiastically began to answer.

"Grab it!"

"Break your hands and feet!"

"Live and die!"

"First cut off the claws, and then let them know that some things can't be done, and then let them understand that if things are done, there will be consequences!"

"No, I have to break my foot."

These twenty people are still very cruel.

They are not to blame.

Everyone was poor and afraid before. It was not easy for others to steal so many things.

This is.

A thief happened to steal the wallet of a seriously ill patient at the door of the hospital.

The other party is completely hopeless.

Then what would the patient do if he caught the thief?

This is no exaggeration.

These people are more intolerable than the situation they face when they wait to die in the hospital.

After all.

They live in the end and die at any time.

How many people who can go back to the hospital to raise money will die at any time?

What kind of vent is reasonable.

Fang Mo nodded first, then shook his head, and finally concluded, "what you said is good, but we can't be so cruel. How scared they would be if they waited for death a little bit? It's better to catch them directly and give them a fire!"

Nima, you're more cruel, okay?

Isn't that scary?

Is this still the leader who makes decisions for us?

"Of course, in order to express my heart, anyone who stands up now can avoid death. If you don't cherish the last chance..." Fang Mo sent out a few gloomy smiles.