With a roar of the corpse king, Fang Mo no longer dared to think about it casually. He was always careful in the next journey. He didn't relax until he came to the underground facilities.

The portal of underground facilities is only about the width that two or three people can pass through. Even if some monster comes, it is impossible to take it down here.

And everything else is underground.

Underground, after the leader's management, there was a feeling of fortification.

Since the corpse king can trample in that area without any pit, he will never make such a thing here.

So it's safe underground.

In fact, Fang Mo feels that this is not a kind of resentment of the blue star mother towards mankind.

Previous humans, called deforestation, never stopped, and built all kinds of things to make the blue star extremely ugly.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that there are different things on blue star, which gave birth to these.


Drive human beings to the ground, give birth to something again, and put them in the dominant position of the world

Of course, this is just a science fiction idea, and Bluestar probably doesn't care too much about everything caused by everyone above.

After all, for the blue star mother, it has gone through too long. There are hundreds of degrees. In such a world, it has not been hurt at all, let alone caused by human beings.

For it, it may be the vegetable leaves in the teeth. Although it is uncomfortable, it can be ignored.

Into underground facilities.

What you don't see is starving people everywhere.

He used to like history and read a lot of history books, but he couldn't imagine a kind of starvation everywhere.

But now it's different.

He felt that he was really going through a terrible era.

In other times, most people may still be good. Only a few people need to go hungry, but now it has become so for everyone.

If Fang Mo didn't have strength, he would be one of them.


Fang Mo made a bold decision.

Not the virgin, but a way to make others hate themselves less.

That is

Give me porridge!

In ancient times, if a family was strong and had a lot of money, the family would give up porridge when there were hungry people everywhere. Of course, this was not because of their feelings, but because they knew that if these people continued to be hungry, anything could happen.

In order not to be passive, of course, they can only give up some of their wealth. In this way, it is enough to protect themselves from the victims.

This is a law of survival. Basically, everyone who has money will.

Fang Mo has terrible strength. Although he can't beat beauty monsters and oil drinking monsters, he can still deal with these people.

Then why did he do that?

The main thing is to let them know that their hearts are still good, so that they don't have to wait until the end. These people will be crooked one by one.

After the mind is distorted, they can do many things.

Is he not afraid, and is Zhang Yuxin not afraid?

Even if it is well protected, if someone harvests something outside, such as a bomb, and then throws it at night with the idea of dying together

Is it terrible?


At this time, let them understand that their heart is kind.

Not the virgin, but for themselves, and others can survive.

Don't you see that even the most powerful countries in the previous world will still help some extremely poor countries?

Because these are buried bombs.

It's best to let them not eat enough but not die of hunger. Otherwise, it may lead to war in one place after another and extend to their own country.

Anyone who has some ideas will do so.

Not how much I really love them, because it will shake the foundation.

Specific, needless to say.

Anyway, Fang Mo has seen many similar books before, and many books left from ancient times. Many things recorded in them are useful.

"What, boss, do you want to give up porridge?!"

Liu Xuan's voice was very loud. After shouting, he expected it to be bad. He hurriedly covered his mouth, but it was too late.

Fang Mo nodded and said, "it's not easy for them to live. It's better to give them a chance to live. Moreover, it's evening now. If they don't have food, they'll starve to death in the past two or three tonight. We'll do it again tomorrow morning, and then let them know that the warehouse doesn't care anymore."

That's Fang Mo's idea.

Save that, at that time, under the distortion of their hearts, they come back with a bomb and blow up all the people.

That would be terrible.

This is very possible.

Many people who can't do it by themselves just don't look up to others. At this time, what I want to show is that I sympathize with you and care about your views

Cough! Cough!

You can't say too much.

It's enough to know. It's boring to say it.

Fang Mo understood it before because he had read a lot of books.

This truth can benefit almost a lifetime.

of course.

For those who really don't appreciate it, Fang Mo will also choose iron and blood suppression, because such people are already distorted. Even if they try to pull them back, they will still do something they shouldn't do. Such people don't deserve to live in this world.

"House porridge?"

"What do you mean?"

"My God, you mean they're going to give us food?"


When many people were wondering, the two crosstalk speakers were sent out by Fang Mo and spread Fang Mo's ideas little by little.

Fang Mo wants to give up porridge. In a very short time, it spread to everyone's ears.

Most of them didn't believe it, but when the big pot began to light firewood, they had to believe it.

Really want to give up porridge.

So many people who were already dying seemed to have renewed their strength, and their eyes were bright and terrible.

Moreover, many people already want to die, although before they die, they may bring some irrelevant people, such as those who looked on coldly

But at this time, after seeing the hope of living, they all gave up these ideas.


Fang Mo's prediction is correct.