"I admire you so much."

"I was beaten so hard that I didn't make a sound. I'm really far from you. If you have my strength, it's not crazy?"

Fang Mo's face is dignified.

He really didn't expect that Zhao Feng would be so strong.

Yes, of course.

What he didn't expect was that the tentacle was just a light pat, which killed half the guy.

Death is absolutely impossible. After all, this is the end of the world, and the other party is no longer an ordinary person after a series of cell transformation. Even if it is a fatal injury to an ordinary person, it may be only a serious injury to him.

But this.

That's Fang Mo's most surprising thing.

Zhao Feng didn't make any sound from beginning to end. That's really strong. At least Fang Mo doesn't think he can compare with him at all.

And there is.

This tentacle really didn't use much power. It just threw it casually. It didn't mean to attack Zhao Feng at all.

Otherwise he would never survive.

This point can still be determined. After all, this tentacle is really terrible.

But why?

Fang Mo feels here that there are several possibilities. The biggest possibility is that there may be something he doesn't know in front.

In other words, the body of this tentacle doesn't want to fight Zhao Feng at all, but it's fighting another thing

"It may be exciting to think of this. If there is any more terrible monster, then this diary can be updated!" Fang Mo is like taking stimulants. Running is called fast, and the expression on his face is called excitement.

He knew for a long time that there could not be only some things recorded by Ye Qingcheng in this world.

But all along, he had no contact with others.

But now he's in touch.

Such a big tentacle must be an extraordinary guy.

If you can describe it in your diary, will ye Qingcheng feel that he is a real man and will never leave again?

At that time, the two will face greater trouble together.

Good thing.

Absolutely good.

So Fang Mo abandoned Zhao Feng and ran away alone.

Of course, he can be sure that Zhao Feng is all right. Those zombies and monsters don't dare to touch such a building at all. At best, they wander around the periphery. Therefore, as long as Zhao Feng doesn't continue to die and provoke that tentacle, there will be no danger.

When the tentacle attacked him just now, it had reached the limit.

in other words.

As long as Zhao Feng doesn't move blindly, he will live well.

Looking at the endless tentacle, Fang Mo felt cold. He didn't know what kind of monster it belonged to, but just looking at the volume, he was definitely a person who couldn't be provoked.

Let alone fight, he may just be thrown by his tentacle and die.

It's terrible.

"Is it so exciting in the end of the world?" Fang Mo murmured. Then, when he saw that his tentacles didn't move, he approached them a little. Then he touched them gently with his hand: "I'll go. It's soft. The most important thing is that the spikes on the tentacles are so sharp."

Looking at the huge wound on the palm, I was shocked.

He never knew that there would be such a terrible thing in the last world


It's really terrible.

However, this is actually a good thing for him.

Because of his previous state of mind, he really felt that he was invincible in the world. If he continued, I'm afraid he didn't know what to provoke.

Now, after seeing this huge tentacle, he gradually understood

I'm not invincible.

Not only is he not invincible, but also he is an invincible person at all.



Ahead, it's dark.

Fang Mo kept moving forward. The more he moved forward, the more he felt terrible.

Tentacles have been tens of feet. Hundreds of meters away, it is really terrible to the extreme. Here, Fang Mo thinks it may be derived from a certain limit, which is not its noumenon at all.

How huge should its noumenon be?

Sometimes big doesn't decide everything, whether it's strength or everything else, big is never the same thing.

However, if it is big enough, it can decide everything.

for instance.

If something is bigger than a planet, is it terrible to the extreme?

Yes, of course.

This thing will certainly not be as huge as the planet. Otherwise, what you don't see will not be a tentacle. Maybe the whole building trembles with it.

But he thinks so.

Since there is such a thing, it's really hard to say what will happen in the future.

"I'm a reporter, I'm just a reporter!"

Fang Mo took out his notebook, waved a pen in his hand, and muttered constantly like brainwashing: "I'm just going to have a look. I can't do it. Otherwise, just take a picture. It's estimated that my life will be gone, and I'll never see the city again. Yes, yes, I'm a reporter!"

After brainwashing, he took out a pair of glasses from his backpack and put them on his eyes.

At this moment, he had a bit more beautiful temperament and a bit more civilized meaning.

Immediately after him, he began to slow down, and I don't know how many times he expanded his vigilance.


He's just a reporter. He can't be tough.

Fang Mo can only adapt himself through similar methods. Otherwise, he really can't control his idea of punching the tentacle

The idea is so terrible that it must be suppressed.

If he can't suppress it, he may be scrapped.

Think about Zhao Feng's fate, he became quiet again


After running at full speed for almost five miles, Fang Mo came to a mountain.

On this mountain, there are all kinds of soft, moist things flowing continuously. At first glance, it is not a serious mountain.

Most importantly, the mountain is also connected to tentacles.

"Five mile long tentacle? Do you want to go against the sky?" Fang Mo looked at the towering invisible mountain, swallowed his saliva and muttered, "if you punch it, I'm afraid it won't have the slightest feeling? It's terrible!"

He held out his hand.

However, at the last moment, he let himself die as soon as he dodged.

This startled him: "I'm just a reporter, looking for stimulation, not Zhao Feng, not Zhao Feng, not Zhao Feng, I don't want to die..."