Dead, dead!

"So many gels come together, I'm afraid I will become a monster directly. No, I don't want to be a monster!" cried Fang mo.


No matter how much strength he used, he could not use his hands and legs, just as he had only such a head left.

Most importantly, the head is not very obedient.

He couldn't even blink.

It's just a biological instinct that makes him blink his eyes. In addition, he seems to have completely lost all his control.

Whether it's yourself or controlling the bone knife, you can't do it.

Seeing that it was inevitable again, he closed his eyes with force.

Unfortunately, he couldn't even do that.

The speed of the light spot is very slow.

If he had changed, he would have been able to escape, but now he can't do anything. He can only watch those light spots close.

"Lao Tzu's willpower is definitely stronger than Xie Mingyuan. Come on, let me see if you can turn me into a monster!" feeling the approach of the first light spot, his heart began to be ferocious.

Don't believe it yet.

Can't you carry such a little thing with what you've suffered before?

To tell you the truth

He felt he really couldn't carry it.

Don't forget that when he evolved before, it was only half of these things, but even that made him feel that he was about to be burst. If more came, he felt that he might be directly torn by this force.

Think of that sad look.

Fang Mo's idea began to become desperate. He knew there would be such a scene. Even if he just left directly and didn't guard the roarer, he should leave directly.

As for how to solve it later, that's what happens later

Anyway, it's not so uncontrollable now.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.


When many light spots began to approach, he felt that those things didn't seem to be close to his body.


They're all heading for something else.

"Two bone knives?"

"How is this possible? Do you want me to support it again?"

Just thinking of this, he felt that a force began to be transmitted from his arm, and this force quickly boarded his brain, allowing him to restore a certain mastery ability

At least, the head can move.

Then he quickly lowered his head.

"How beautiful!"

The sight in front of him made him sigh uncontrollably. Then he felt that this sigh seemed wrong. He quickly shook his head and looked around him like thousands of Fireflies: "shit, isn't it? Is it really so?"

The next moment.

He saw the targets of those light spots.

It's really your own bone knife.


Now he can't take it back directly.

After the conversion of this bone knife, he may only feel a little satiety, but if he directly let the body accept it

Fang Mo felt that such a huge amount of energy should be enough for him to explode and die on the spot.

He absolutely doesn't want such a scene.

Even, I don't want to!





The light spot, like a moth to the fire, quickly approached his bone knife.

The power converted by the bone knife quickly reached his body, and slowly he recovered his ability to move.

Looking at the light spots around him like the stars, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "it was rare to have some of these things before, but now it's good. With so much more, it's really hard to plant flowers and flowers, and it's unintentional to insert willows into the shade!"

That's an old saying.

of course.

If so much energy had gathered before, it was estimated that his fear would surpass his joy.

After all, so much energy is enough to cut him apart.

Hands, restored strength.

His legs began to move.

Eyes, it seems more divine.

This step-by-step recovery is really cool. It's like just taking a nap, and then the body is itching, but the body is recovering quickly.

It's great.

But he was not happy at all.

Because he knows what the next moment will be like.

Sure enough.

He didn't have to wait long, his eyes began to become blurred, and his legs were like stepping on marshmallows, staggering, as if he had drunk too much.

First time.

Fang Mo knows that it will be like this after more power.

He really didn't think of it before.

Or he didn't dare to try.

After all, he didn't use the ability of bone knife at that time. If he started playing like this, he might kill himself first.

Time is passing.

Fang Mo felt like he was floating, just like he had smoked a hookah bag before. At this time, he was in vertigo.


It's really not comfortable at all.

Fang Mo doesn't like this feeling. He likes to be sober. It's completely different from other people who want to confuse themselves with alcohol or cigarette bags and pots.

I don't know how long it took.

He finally felt that his strength was no longer growing.

He didn't know whether it was because all the light spots had been absorbed or because his body was saturated.

All he knew was that he was very uncomfortable now.

It's light all over. It's like when I was swimming, I went directly to the deep water area. It's not comfortable at all.


He suddenly lay on his back on the ground. He didn't feel any pain, but he still felt very comfortable.

"No, I can't sleep..." when he began to feel that his eyelids began to fight, he was frightened.

This is a dangerous place. There are so many monsters and Zombies here. Sooner or later, more monsters and zombies will come.


I'm afraid the attraction of the roarer is greater than everything.

Thinking of the possible danger, Fang Mo forcibly opened his eyes: "absolutely can't sleep... Snore!"

The thunderous snore began to ring.


Indeed, some monsters and Zombies began to appear, but none of those things dared to approach. In particular, when they began to approach about 20 meters, they began to move with Fang Mo's breath.

At fifteen steps, the body began to collapse.

Then, light spots began to appear from them.

To tell you the truth, this scene is wonderful.

But unfortunately, Fang Mo didn't see it.

He is now in a sweet dream. Subconsciously, although he is still closely guarded by the bone knife, there has been an indifferent smile at the corners of his mouth. It seems that he is in a very comfortable and comfortable area

In a dream.

It's cool and comfortable. It's the kind of comfort he hasn't met for a long time.

He floats in the sky.

Fish after fish hovered around him.

I don't know how long it took.

He suddenly woke up with a quick wit: "shit, I won't be bitten?"