What kind of thing will make a person or a creature afraid?

Before the flame appeared, the darkness was very frightening, so the moon at night became a kind of expectation of many people and creatures. Even wolves howl at the sky on a moonlit night.

When there are not enough humans or creatures, loneliness, or a sense of emptiness, will make people afraid.

Similarly, the tiger and lion at the top of the food chain are also feared by humans.

Later, after humans discovered some weapons, tigers and lions began to be afraid.

After that, these can no longer be regarded as threats. Between people, they have become the biggest natural enemies, and war has become people's fear.

Through these, we can find that fear or fear will appear anytime and anywhere, not based on whose will.

But these are nothing.

Because whether it's natural enemies or war, it's just frightening for a while. After all, natural enemies will slowly become food, and war will eventually pass.

At most, during that time, they showed fear.

However, Fang Mo really can't understand. What is it that makes the man who started the bunker show hysterical fear?

This is abnormal, very abnormal!

Who are they?

What do they represent?

Natural enemies? Or is it another thing that may devour all living things?

Or are they themselves behind everything?

Why is he so scared?

He just said a word. The man was crazy. He didn't keep his demeanor anymore. Instead, he looked at Ye Qingcheng and burst into great anger. It seemed that she had done something taboo?

Everything makes Fang Mo full of doubts.

And he began to panic.

The unknown is frightening.

Natural enemies deserve fear, black hands deserve fear, even the night, and the cold also needs fear

But all this, there is no unknown, the most frightening.

Because the unknown represents infinity.

Everything he might be afraid of will appear in his fantasy.


He slammed the door shut. He didn't pay attention to those guys outside who had been stunned.

Turning his head, Fang Mo looked at Ye Qingcheng, who was cleaning up, and slightly relieved the panic in his heart. He walked over and hugged her stomach tightly. The soft and warm feeling came, which made bursts of security in his heart begin to appear.

"Ignore him. Those things won't find us for the time being, but he may have touched it, so he's so afraid." Ye Qingcheng straightened up, turned his head and looked at Fang Mo's expression, puffed out happily: "you look like you, as if something is about to separate us."

"You don't know how nervous I was just now. Even, I've begun to plan to fight with him."


At this point, she smiled gently and said softly, "I didn't expect that you scared him away just by relying on a few words and things you don't know. It's really worthy of being my man."

Listening to Ye Qingcheng's compliment, Fang Mo, who should have been happy, didn't show much happiness.

He solemnly, solemnly and forcefully hugged Ye Qingcheng and gently asked, "what are they? Don't try to deceive me. You know, you must know. Otherwise, the madman just now wouldn't show such a scene."

Ye Qingcheng didn't want to say it. She even thought of closing her mouth.

But when she saw Fang Mo's eyes, she didn't know why, so she burst out in her heart.

Then, she slowly nodded her head and said, "indeed, I know..."

"What's that?" Fang Mo couldn't wait, but then he quickly recovered, loosened his hand and said awkwardly: "I just want to know what it is. Why, as soon as I say it, no, I haven't said it yet. The world's top, as you say, is so scary. Are they so scary?"

He has never been so nervous since the end of the world.

Everything is because that thing is full of uncertainty. If he knows what it is, he can strive towards that goal. However, now, he doesn't know what it is.

I don't know what they mean.

But since they can scare men, it shows that they are very scary, and they are likely to threaten Ye Qingcheng in the future.

That's what he cares about most.

"They are so terrible."

In turn, ye Qingcheng grabbed Fang Mo's hand, took him to sit on the sofa, moved his hands, and pulled up the curtain like a fairy: "In the period of time before crossing, that is, in the coming end of the fourth stage, I once saw that thing. At that time, I was much stronger than now. I don't know how many times, but I was still terrified after knowing their existence."

"If I hadn't crossed, I might have been more afraid, and even the title of demon king might not be maintained."

When she said this, there was a trace of memory in her eyes.

Then, ye Qingcheng how he rose and defeated one person after another, then obtained almost terrible resources, and finally negotiated with mankind

Fang Mo was stunned.

He could imagine how weak she was as a woman and a monster evolved from the lowest zombie, but she stood out from it.

Not only that, ye Qingcheng became a demon king.

"You must have worked hard all the way?" Fang Mo flashed away, held her in his arms, and said with his own warmth and soft voice: "now, nothing will happen again. I will accompany you, even if it is the ends of the earth, even if it is any other demon king monster."

"Besides, as you said just now, the girl is also very terrible. She just died because she was killed. Otherwise, she may be even more terrible than you. But will I kill her? No..." Fang Mo's face hung with a fake ease: "in this way, our survival ability will be greatly increased."


But ye Qingcheng stared at Fang Mo and said without joking in his eyes: "it's not a problem of many people and few people, nor is it a problem of whether they are strong enough. In fact, they are a very complex thing..."

She paused, as if thinking whether to tell Fang Mo or not.

Just like she wrote everything in her notebook before, she still didn't dare to let Fang Mo touch that terrible thing too much.

After reading it for a while, she made a decision.
