Where did they escape?

Didn't you escape from a group of men?

Now, however, she seems to have forgotten that it is impossible to believe a man's words.

Anger flashed across their faces.

Of course, they soon suppressed this emotion. After all, this is also their partner. Now they are in pain and don't have to scold them. Otherwise, is it human?

Human nature is gone. What else can we talk about?

So after they were stunned for a moment, they all began to comfort softly in order to make her regain her self-confidence.

"Woo... It doesn't seem to hurt anymore?"

The girl's eyes slowly recovered. She took a look at the people around her, especially after seeing the blame in the girl's eyes of the rocket launcher, she quickly covered her eyes again: "ah, it hurts!"

She is not stupid. Now she has violated the biggest rule in the team.

If you are not the men in the team, you must not believe it. Even the men in the team must be tested for at least ten days and a half months. Otherwise, you can't prove whether their human nature is good or bad.

And now, obviously, she's foul.

Pretend to hurt

Dameng shouted a few times, majestic and not scary, but others didn't pay attention to it, making it look very embarrassed.

"Come back, things have happened. What else do you want? Someone will clean you up later!" Qin Xiaoyu's voice came over.

For a moment, big Meng's head dropped, which was very convincing. However, at the moment of lowering his head, he seemed to find something. Instead of paying attention to Qin Xiaoyu behind him, he burst out his speed and rushed in one direction.

Basically, no one saw its figure, like a gust of wind, it disappeared in place.

The girl who can see the combat effectiveness secretly took a look at it. She smacked her tongue secretly in her heart. After seeing the combat effectiveness, she began to smack her tongue secretly in her heart.

What a strong team is this?

If she is right, the monster should have a combat effectiveness of at least 50000.

Isn't that scary?

A woman of ten thousand, a girl of more than half a million, and two men with breaking thousands of combat effectiveness, not even counting the man, are more than enough for the destruction of this team.

As long as the girl makes a move, or the monster makes a move, it's enough.

"What did it do?"

"Over there, it seems..."

"It's the man!"

"My God, where did he go? He went around again, and there was a package behind him. Is that also a monster?"

"It doesn't look like a monster, but it's really uncertain. After all, a monster has rushed out in front of us."

"How strong is this?"

"Can you see the combat effectiveness... Forget it, or don't go to see it, so as not to hurt your eyes again."

It was suggested that the tail girl, that is, the woman who can see the combat power, should recognize Mo's current combat power, but in an instant, she pressed down the idea again.

Now the tail girl's eyes haven't recovered yet. What will happen if... Again?

I'm afraid my eyes have to be destroyed.



Fang Mo saw this group of people. He was obviously dull for a moment.

Because just now he hasn't found free time to read the records of the evolution of this ability

But the other party has come. How should he explain the past?

You can't live without integrity. The most important thing is to treat girls. If you don't have integrity at all, how can you be in this society

"Bah, it's the end of the world now. It doesn't seem necessary?"

"No, no, even in the end of the world, we must abide by what we should abide by. This is a matter of principle."

Fang Mo is struggling. Do you want to pretend that you don't have anything, and then quickly look at a wave of notebooks in the back.

But at this time, Dameng rushed over.


With a roar, the guy stood in front of him, stretched out his long tongue, and begged for a hug like a lovely dog

"Hold the grass, are you a monster? Do you have any dignity?" Fang Mo was silly. However, on the surface, he maintained his calmness, reluctantly stretched out his hand, gave Da Meng a hug and said softly, "go, play while you go, don't get in the way."


Dameng was very disappointed. Her originally happy look became a little depressed.

However, when it shifted its attention from Fang Mo, it suddenly seemed to find something, and its dark nose began to stir constantly, as if it was smelling something.

Soon it stood up, facing the obedient behind, revealing its fangs.

Darling has been watching. When she saw the monster rushing over, she was a little silly. However, when she thought of Fang Mo's horror, she calmed down again. Just when she didn't know what to say, she was stared at by Da Meng.

However, she was not too scared or thrilled. Instead, she said, "Wow, is this Mr. general's pet? It's so cute!"

Fang Mo nodded reluctantly.

Big Meng is definitely different from ordinary pets.

If he is an ordinary person now, let alone have any good relationship with Dameng, he may have to be opened by the other party's claw. At that time... It's terrible.

Most of the ordinary pets basically lose their ability to attack after raising for a period of time.

Therefore, he is reluctant to admit.

But when he turned his eyes, he immediately became angry: "if you move me, I'll kill you today! Shit, it's all my collection. One of them was hurt. You can add food to me today!"

you 're right.

Da Meng's posture at this time is full of attack.

In other words, it may start at the next moment.

It doesn't matter. If a monster doesn't know how to hunt and kill humans, his nature will disappear, especially if he is not a member of their team.

But the most important thing is that this thing actually focuses on the package behind darling.

Is it easy for him to get those hands?

If Dameng slaps him, he will go crazy.

As a person with the same hobby as the Qin emperor, he absolutely doesn't want his hands to be destroyed.

Although he is not as tyrannical as the Qin emperor, he also has his own temper. If Da Meng dares to move, he will eat it today.

Anyway, it is recorded in the notebook that the big eyed monster can be eaten, but it takes a little time. If you take some parts out of it, you can easily turn it into a delicious food.

"Woo woo..."

Big Meng lay on the ground with a slap and began to roll.

As a spiritual monster, it is very spiritual and can understand Fang Mo's words. Naturally, it is very clear that Fang Mo will never joke.

In other words, if you turn it into food, you are likely to turn it into food.