After running for a long time, they suddenly found that the eight clawed monster behind them no longer chased them.

Not only that, they are still very safe. The surrounding zombies are scared away by the eight clawed monster.

"A blessing in disguise?"

"That's good. If we can continue, we will be completely safe next."

"Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect to run out so easily."

Their faces were smiling for the rest of their lives. Although there was a pity in their eyes, they were still very happy.

Unfortunately, just because the man who can protect them, or bring them some sense of security, has left.

And it will never come back.

"Elder brother Yang, just go to the West steadily. Everything left can only depend on us."

"Alas, you are also too unlucky. If you don't die, you will meet your former enemy."

"By the way, what's his name? The one who kicked brother Yang under the monster."

"The strength of this man is awesome."

"I haven't felt it just now. When you say it now, I vaguely seem to see that the eight clawed monster seems to have fled because of fear?"

"What does it fear?"

"The man named Fang Mo?"


Just as they said this, they saw a figure in the distance falling from the sky.


High heels make a very clear sound on the ground.

A woman stood in front of them.

This woman is very feminine.

She was wearing a black tight skirt and carrying a cold shining sword behind her. Her eyes were a little confused and confused. The mouth is as ruddy as fire, and there are fine beads of sweat on the tip of the nose.

It's so beautiful!

They were stunned.

This is not once. When you casually walk into a street, countless beautiful women will walk through it, including OL and queen.

But they also have not seen such a woman who mixes two different temperaments, especially the ability of OL and the natural and unrestrained and overbearing of the queen.

Coupled with the high heels, they were so excited at this time that they wanted to be stepped on by her directly.


I don't know who it was. The first one swallowed his saliva and almost swallowed his Adam's apple.

This seems to be a signal, and then



Can't help swallowing.

As the saying goes, full of warm thoughts... Well, now they have no security concerns. They are quiet all around, not to mention zombies and monsters, not even a person.

In this case, what can a group of full men think?

They haven't touched women for a long time.

"Beauty... Are you an angel falling from the sky?" one of them walked quickly, with great hunger and thirst on his face, as if he had not eaten for decades. At this time, he was only hungry, but plates of delicious food were placed in front of him.

Happiness, great happiness is impacting his heart.



After hearing the sound, the woman took out her sword and waved it at a speed that looked very slow but actually very fast.

Man, he walked about four or five steps forward.

With a crash, his body broke into four pieces, and the gurgling liquid came out.

The woman didn't even frown, but looked at several men with smiles on their faces. At this time, they said, "say, where is Fang Mo?!"




If they swallowed at first, it was because of the woman's natural and unrestrained.

So now they swallow their saliva because of this woman's fierce.

It's just passing by without any malice... Well, no one believes it. But it shouldn't be killed directly.

Still so cruel to kill.

But they didn't dare not answer. With the sound of swallowing saliva, one of them squatted down and stammered: "go, go there, go straight, you can meet him about two or three hundred meters. He seems to have a great harvest. Someone behind him is carrying a package... Wrap!"

When the sword came out of its sheath again, he became fragmented.

The woman said coldly, "provocation? Whether you are or not, you can say what you ask. Without asking you, beep what? It seems that you can do it very well?"

Hua La, Hua La, Hua la

The remaining few people were shaking all over. They subconsciously lowered their heads and didn't dare to see the woman again.

They understand that this woman is really different from some people they know.

Light is death, and often it is fragmented.

Looking at the painful expression of the man who was still struggling, they were terrified.

Patter, patter, patter

The woman stepped on her high heels and left slowly. Halfway through, she hummed to the sky.

Although they didn't dare to look up, they also saw a huge shadow on the ground.

At this moment, they subconsciously raised their heads.

Then they see

Giant flying monsters are hovering in the sky, and those monsters seem to have an invisible silk thread. At the other end of the silk thread, there is a house with almost two bedrooms and one living room. The air permeability of the house is very good.

The woman who just shocked them waved down the monsters, and she walked into the house.

Not knowing whether it was an illusion or an illusion, or whether it was true, they vaguely seemed to hear a word.

"I can finally have my own house. It's really comfortable. From today on, this house will go all the prosperous places in the world. Who dares to say that my house has no value even for demolition?"

They looked at each other and saw each other's faces before they knew it was true.


No, no, no, this is a crazy woman, isn't it?

Otherwise, in the end of the world, it is really a house to live casually. What demolition and business are you in charge of?

However, the best they could do was to think that she might have a bad brain, and no one dared to speak out directly, because they knew very well that just after they said a word, they led the man down. Who knows if another word would call him down again?

That would be embarrassing.

It's been a long time.

Only one of them opened his mouth and said, "do you think these two people have a feud?"

"No, don't you see how he died?" another man pointed to the body that was no longer struggling: "he was killed when he was stirring up discord. I doubt whether they had a cooperative relationship?"

"Then who knows? It seems to have nothing to do with us?"

"Yes, what does it have to do with us?! but now, special..."

"Old fellow, you seem to swear something bad, do you think she will come back again?"

"Probably not?"