Bang, bang, bang!

The destroyer and the butcher are attacking each other. They frantically use all their methods, hoping to knock down their opponents as soon as possible.

In their eyes, there is only cruel and appalling blood.

With the increasingly fierce battle, the scarlet in the eyes of the two monsters is also more and more.

"What shall I do?"

"Keep looking?"

Fang Mo stood there, his hands touching his forehead, feeling extremely unhappy.

He had thought that he could benefit from the competition between Snipes and mussels, but who knows, the butcher didn't follow the script at all.

With a click, he swallowed the opportunity.

Now there is no sense, which can only show that the butcher has begun to digest opportunities.

He didn't have a chance.

What can he do?

He's desperate, too!

"If you had known, you would have rushed out. Who knows that this vigilant destruction beast has only an empty shell, which can't protect the opportunity!" Fang Mo looked at the almost terrible voice of the destruction beast angrily.

If it hadn't been so humanized, he would have rushed out.

Even if you can't fight, you have to fight.

However, now, even if it's spelling, it seems to be useless. At most, I can only let myself understand how different I am from these two monsters.

He wanted to leave, but he was really reluctant.

Finally, he bit his teeth, gave himself an excuse, and kept telling himself in his heart: "it's better to see them die than anything. It's better to see them die than anything..."

After two or three times, he found it boring.

At the same time of infinite sadness at the bottom of my heart, I began to blame myself for my hesitation.

In the last world, especially in the current world.

If you hesitate, you will lose.

And there is no room for redemption.


Just when he thought of this, the carriage began to tremble wildly.

This startled him, and then he quickly found a chance and ran out.

He was very fast, almost instantly rushed outside, and then saw the most wonderful scene... Earthquake.

A vibration that is homonymous with Che.

The subway shook wildly. From the outside, you can see the destruction beast roaring up to the sky from time to time, and then waving his terrible arm and beating wildly below.

From time to time, the butcher also showed his face and rushed to the destruction beast, as if he wanted to scar it with its strong strange claws.

It succeeded.

The destruction beast became scarred, and its blood flowed all over the sky and the ground.

But it also failed, because whenever it succeeded in scarring the destruction beast, it would also be hurt by the destruction beast, and there were not many scars on its body.

By this time, the two monsters had hit the real fire. Their desperate play looked so cruel.

Fang Mo looked aside and felt that he was covered with bursts of hair.

He was thinking about what would happen if he rushed up.

Soon he thought about it.

It will be an extremely cruel scene. Whether he is facing the destruction beast or the butcher, he will eventually be turned into dozens of pieces everywhere

Both of them are extremely crazy and terrible. Once they start, they will never stop.

Two stubborn monsters.

Fang Mo was bored. As soon as he wanted to turn around and leave, he saw that the vibration of the subway began to stop slowly.


With the sound of a heavy fall, everything calmed down.

At this time, some monsters around seemed to notice something. They began to slowly approach the subway with saliva in their mouths.

"What's going on?"

"Can you say..."

When he saw this scene, he thought of a possibility, but soon he shook his head: "no, it's impossible. These two goods are so smart that there should be no scene of both losing and even dying."

Both are very clever, whether they destroy monsters or butchers.

This point can be found from their eyes looking at Fang mo. it is a very disdainful look. It seems that as long as he dares to go over, the two goods can easily kill him.

This clever way of judging the situation is doomed that there will be no exaggerated battle scenes between the two. In the end, it is likely to be tired, sit down and rest, and then both sides leave.

Of course, this is just Fang Mo's own idea.

When he approached the carriage where the two had fought before the arrival of other monsters, he saw that there were scars everywhere, and the blood that had begun to coagulate on the ground like pouring rain.

Bright red is the main color on the battlefield.

Terror is the deepest scene left over from the battlefield.

The most important thing is

The destroyer and the butcher fell together.

The two sharp claws of the destruction beast pierced the butcher's throat and divided its body in two.

The dozens of tentacle like claws of the butcher pierced the body of the destruction beast.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

"It's impossible. How could such two smart guys choose to die together?" Fang Mo didn't believe it at all.

If it were him, he would never do it anyway.

What he noticed at the beginning was that the wisdom in the eyes of these two goods was not much less than that of ordinary people, and the judgment of the situation was so resourceful. No matter what, it shouldn't be

Die together?

It's silly. In his opinion, these two goods should not be. It will never happen.

However, the real scene in front of them shows that they really chose to die together, and the two monsters completely lost their vitality and became cold corpses.

"Hiss, hiss!"


"Shua Shua!"

Monsters are approaching.

There are eight claw monsters, cloud monsters and big eye monsters

In each of their eyes, there was a touch of joy, especially when they approached vigilantly, their faces were like blooming flowers, so gorgeous.


Fang Mo slapped himself on the forehead, "what do you think? The most important thing now is to close these two big brother monsters as soon as possible, whether they are intelligent or not, whether they understand the analysis of the situation..."

He thought he was really stupid. He was more stupid than these two monsters.

If you can't grasp such a great opportunity, you'll regret it all your life.

But he saw the monsters around him.

Now he must face the most difficult choice.

Of the two monsters, he may drag one away, but he must stay to give a tooth sacrifice to those monsters or promote their evolution.

Choice is a problem.

"It's a fart problem!"

"The destruction beast is so huge that it can't be pulled away at all. Now just pull away the butcher. Open its belly, maybe..." he began to get excited.