Their movements were not small, but the people here showed no sign of soberness.

Just after sleeping, and with the safety guarantee of fangmo, their spirit that has been tight for a long time has finally relaxed.

Therefore, when Fang Mo and others left, none of them woke up.

Until a zombie came in from the outside, someone finally found that Fang Mo had left, and the remaining men and women had left.


At noon, a scream appeared, waking everyone's dream.

"What are you shouting?"

"Don't you see everyone sleeping?"

"Provoked the great God. You're afraid you can't live if you want to live!"

One by one, people slowly woke up from their sleep. They rubbed some heavy eyelids and slowly got up.

However, when they saw the scene, everyone was stunned.

The zombie appears!

That evil spirit is not nearby!

There were only some ashes and residues that had not been cleaned, and some food packaging.


Without waiting for them to guess where Fang Mo went, the zombie seemed to have yelled impatiently. Then, the screamer under its claws had no chance to survive and was torn into several pieces.

Crack, crack

The mouth of the zombie, wriggling and chewing.

The sound made everyone dare not move, let alone make a sound.

This situation lasted for a long time until... A person couldn't support his body, fell down, and made a sound of 'alas'.

Everything has changed.



"If you don't want to be eaten, run quickly!"

Crazy, people are completely crazy.

This is not like a supermarket, because the boss has a certain cohesion. After the end of the world, many people will subconsciously rely on the past, so they can stabilize people's hearts.

Of course, there were also some here, that is, the middle-aged man.

But with the end of Fang Mo's shot, the people here have no sense of stability. What they want is very simple, that is to live!

Live longer!

Both men and women are screaming wildly at the moment. They just ran out. They thought they could escape this disaster, but they found it when they went out.

There are more zombies outside.

Countless zombies began to appear. A few people with light legs and feet thought they would be safe when they went out of the door, but when they saw the zombies running crazy

They are desperate!

"If we can't live, we will die, and we will die miserably!"

"Why, why did he leave?"

"Why does he have such a powerful power, but he doesn't stay to protect us?"

"When he came here, he first killed the middle-aged man, then broke the door, and finally escaped!"

"Is there any truth in this world?"


In the end of the world, there is no reason.

In fact, they could have lived. For example, when Fang Mo set out, they hurriedly kept up, even if they were just running errands.

But they didn't do so. Instead, they frantically vented their desires after nightfall.

When the day came and they could travel, they fell asleep.

Opportunities will never wait. Once you miss a good opportunity and want to seize it again, it is basically impossible.


A strong man, one of those who attacked Zhang Qiang last night, cut off his arm like crazy and waved wildly with a kitchen knife: "I killed you, ah, I killed you!"

People, in the most fearful, painful and helpless moment, may completely collapse and make themselves faint, so as to escape what they are about to encounter.

Some people will suddenly become crazy and have infinite power. Even God dares to fight with them.

This strong man belongs to the latter. Without seeing the slightest chance, he was completely crazy. He waved wildly with a kitchen knife, but he also avoided the attack of zombies.

Unfortunately, every time they attacked, they didn't fall on the chest of the zombie.

When the zombie focused on him, death was inevitable.

With reluctance and pain, he was caught by several zombies and tore them apart.

Everyone who saw this scene began to tremble, and there was a deep fear in his eyes.

"He's dead. Can we live?"

A woman shrank in the corner and muttered. Then she seemed to think of something. She picked up the meat and fruit next to her and ate them crazily.

Before she dies, she wants to eat a full meal!

Not a few of them did so. They gnawed at everything crazily and looked no worse than zombies.

Some people, crazy, hit out, and then didn't recognize the direction, just rushed forward!

Boom, boom!

The huge roar of the forklift was heard by two or three kittens rushed out.

When they saw the people above, they couldn't help looking surprised, but when they saw the boundless tide of zombies, they were desperate again.

If you want to rush through, you must first break through the siege of these zombies. If you want to do this, unless they can have fangmo's strength.

But if they have fangmo's strength, do they still need to be so afraid?

Five people rushed out, two women and three men.

As for the remaining seven or eight people, they are still trapped in the mall. Judging from the current situation, it is basically impossible to rush out.



Bang bang!

When the five people were desperate, a muffled sound sounded.

Then, Fang Mo stood in front of them like the Savior, with a cold face. He didn't look at the zombies around him, but skillfully killed a zombie who just wanted to come.

"I need two people to carry the corpse on weekdays and remove the cataclysm gel from the corpse."

He opened his mouth indifferently, pointed to a woman and a slightly thin man and said, "you two, follow me."

A man and a woman were in despair, but when they saw Fang Mo's fingers, their faces changed as if they were Sichuan Opera... Dazed, stunned, and then turned into surprises.

The two people didn't go to see the original difficult brother or sister. They just followed Fang mo.

The other three were even more desperate.

"Why?! why do you want them instead of us?!" a woman suddenly stood up and shouted, "I asked myself why you are no worse than them..."

"Why not? Just because the three of you are injured, you will soon become zombies. Do you want me to kill you and take out your heart?" Fang Mo looked at it coldly, but he explained to the woman, which is very rare.