"So, let's pay attention to it in the future. I'm not the only one to pay attention to it. We should all pay attention to it. After all, it's not easy to be together. Each of us has his own destiny. So don't do those very obscene things before, because I don't think they are necessary at all, We don't have to do what we have or don't have. In my opinion, these things are not of great value at all. On the contrary, they make us feel that what we have done before is just like a joke, so I hope we can stop thinking about it. After all, we all have different ideas. "

"It seems that you know a lot about it. You didn't like to hear those things you said before, but now you think a lot about it. It doesn't matter. If you don't want to do that, we won't do it in the future. After all, we can still be together some time. We don't have to think about those things that don't happen, or we will be sad in the future, It's better to think of a way to be sad now than later. Now, as long as you are happy and busy, living in the present is the most important thing. If you just live in the past, I don't think it's necessary. Everyone shouldn't live in the past. The sad things in the past let it drift with the wind. After all, we have experienced them, and we can forget them if we can, If we can't forget it, we'll think of another way. Many times, it doesn't happen what we think. If you think it's reasonable, let's say I'm right. "

"In fact, a lot of what you said is quite reasonable, but I think I'm lazy and can't do a lot of things well. So now I'm really puzzled about how to do it. Instead of that, we'd better do it bit by bit, so we'd better work hard and do what we want but dare not do, In fact, there were many things that I wanted to do and didn't dare to do before, but now I think about it, and there's nothing I don't dare to do. It's not difficult at all. We can only succeed little by little. So, I still hope we can do well and don't be like before. After all, we are experienced people who know how to get in touch with each other, so, Don't think about what some don't think. It's not good for thinking. After all, we are ordinary people. We can't adjust our emotions well. Even if we do, we won't be so sure. "

"That's right. That's what I've been emphasizing. So we should pay attention to it in the future. Don't think about the useless things. Many things we don't need to do. What we really need to do is very simple. As long as we are happy together, nothing matters, So I hope we can both think about each other in the future and stop thinking about those things. Do you think that's ok? I think there should be no problem. After all, we are looking for fate together. It's really hard to meet the two people who can really be together. So I hope we can cherish our present life and stop doing things that make people headache. "

"Have we done anything that's a headache before? I'm not impressed at all. You can't be mistaken. "