"Look at what I say, you don't believe it. I really think so. If you think I cheat you again, I won't say that in the future, and I won't praise you. Look at my wishes, I praise you again. I really praise you wholeheartedly. You don't believe me. I'm very sad, you know? It's the feeling of not being trusted, so I really hope you can stop saying that now, so I really believe you. But if you really think I'm not a good person, forget it. Anyway, I don't have any position in your heart. I'd rather amuse myself, Don't worry. I don't mean that. Don't say that. I just think it's too fake. You said I was fat and I was a little fat pig. Now you say I'm slim. How many characters do you have? So, I hope you don't say that again. Everyone will be fair in the future, If you want to praise me from other aspects, for example, I'm so smart, right? I know my own figure is not very good, so I don't believe others praise me for my good figure. If you have to praise me like this, I can't help it. Anyway, I'll admit that I'm so embarrassed if you praise me like this. "

"I'm sorry. You're indirectly admitting. Well, I was really boasting from my heart just now. You've never heard of beauty in the eyes of the beholder. I think we are the best. The girlfriend I can get is the best. In other people's eyes, it's not the most beautiful, but it must be the most beautiful. So, I think it's necessary for you to clarify this point. Maybe you look ordinary in the eyes of other boys, but in my eyes, you are absolutely competitive. No one can match your beauty, you know? So you also have to have confidence in yourself, my vision can be poor? If my vision is bad, we can't be together now, can we

"You can write a play there. Don't think I can't hear the meaning. That is to say, people actually look ugly, but they think I'm beautiful in your eyes. That's what you mean. I'm convinced. I can't praise people wrong. Forget it, I don't want to be fake. So, I'll let you go this time, but I won't be so lucky next time, Let me tell you something. Next time you have to exaggerate. It's not to say that you don't praise others, but to let me know that you are from the bottom of your heart. Otherwise, you are talking nonsense. "

"I'm not rubbish. Look how many times I've said it, and you don't want to listen to it. Forget it. In this case, I'll try my best to pay attention to my words. After all, sometimes I really can't speak. I didn't think about other people's feelings before. I just want to be happy. But now I think I need to make everyone happy, Although everyone is happy, that's why I'm really happy. It's really selfish to be happy alone. I think we should get rid of this bad problem in the future. Do you think it's possible for me to change this method? "

"Of course, I have full confidence in you. Is there anything you can't do?"