It seems that you know me very well. I didn't say anything, but you guessed it. However, since you guessed it, you have to do something. Otherwise, if you don't do anything, you will feel embarrassed. After all, I guessed it. If you do it or say it, you don't want to give me any reward, there's nothing to say. After all, I'm quite casual, It doesn't matter whether you give it or not. I don't care about your reward. Of course, if you give it, it's better not to give it. Just take it as if I didn't say it. "

"I really don't understand what you think, but it's right to say that, but there are always some things we don't want to get, or these rewards have been wanted for a long time. Say, do you want me to give you a gift instead of this reward? In fact, you should be very curious about what gift I will give you, After all, I used to send those babies to clean up, but now I think I can send some more satisfactory things instead of simple material rewards. What do you think

"Of course, it's better to have it than not. I'm not picky. I'm sure I like everything you do. Of course, I can't give it away. It's too straightforward and hasty, you know? Let me see your sincerity. If I don't have any sincerity, I'm really hard to say. After all, I'm really hard to comfort you. You know my temper, right? I have a bad temper. If something doesn't agree with me, I will tell you directly. "

"Why do I suddenly feel so terrible? You or you have too many secrets hidden in your heart. Well, I know that if you don't like your temper, you will say me right, so I have to work harder to choose a gift you like this time."

"That's fine. I'm afraid you can choose a gift to deal with me, but you won't do that. After all, you like me so much that you won't give me a gift casually. Of course, if you can't help it, it's nothing to give one. After all, I'm very useful, But I know you won't be there to send me

"Of course, I won't send you casually. If I don't like you, I'll give you my favorite gift. Then we'll be fine, so you won't be angry. I'll help you prepare the gift carefully, and we'll have both the beauty. There's one more thing I need to make clear, which type of things you don't like, Because up to now I don't quite understand whether you like it or not, so I think you should tell me a little bit, so that I can really touch it. "

"Well, well, I like everything. I really don't know what to say about you. I can really say so. I'll tell you so. As long as it's from you, I'll like it. Unless you don't send it seriously, and then I see it at a glance, I have to say you. After all, I'm really hard to send. You can give me something that is not very valuable, But you have to be attentive, so if you don't give it, you can give it wholeheartedly. So, don't block yourself, you know? If you want to give me a good gift, we can develop better. We should know this truth better. "