Before leaving, he helped her cover up and kiss her on the forehead.

Sweet dream.

As soon as he arrived at the company, the phone had already called, saying that Miss Su was awake and not in a hurry to find him. He said nothing with a wry smile in his heart, even if he didn't find him. After all, he had been staying all day yesterday, and what else could he do after all that had been said?

Su xiatong is not in a hurry to find him. After all, he didn't have anything to say after staying all day yesterday. Besides, he knows that he is too busy to accompany him all the time, so he didn't contact him and let him go. Anyway, he and she, as idlers, have nothing to do and can't disturb him.

"Miss Su, aren't you going to go shopping? Although you just came back yesterday, it's boring to see a person here. You can call your friends to go out for dinner or something. "

"I haven't really thought about having dinner with my friends. After all, I just came back yesterday, but I haven't thought about having dinner with them. However, your idea is quite good. I haven't seen them for a long time. It's better to go out and talk with them than to be alone here." Su Xia Tong thinks it's very interesting, so she gets up to clean up and asks her friends out to play.

Those who can go out with her are Qiao yuan and Wang Ke Hao.

"Why do you suddenly think that we are out? Do you think there is nothing to do recently? Is your boyfriend busy recently? Since my boyfriend is busy, I think of us. It's really plastic sisterhood. "

"No, in fact, I didn't go out with him recently. It was only yesterday, and I was always at home. Today, I thought of going out to have dinner with you. Because it's been such a long time, I haven't gone out to have a good time, so I went out with him."

"Did you have a good time? I think it must be very happy. Now that you have been born into a relationship with a boyfriend, it must be good. Before you were determined, you didn't want to forgive him. Now what's the matter? After going out for a day, you forgive him and promote him to a real boyfriend. I really don't know what you think. "

"I think he's working so hard. He must be worried if he doesn't give him a differential. So, I think it's a matter of time. I'll just give him a real boyfriend. In fact, it's also a matter of time. Now he won't make trouble there."

"You're not sending a beggar, are you? Look at you so helpless, should not be forced by him, but should also don't want to, ah, your temper, he certainly can't force you to do anything

"You see how you understand it. I'm sure I know it. I'm voluntary. Don't worry. He won't treat me that way. Besides, only if I volunteer can he enjoy the treatment I give him. So don't worry. He treats me very well and is much better than before. His heart has changed a lot compared with pig before, I have a good temper. I'm quite satisfied with it. "

"But you can't give your heart to him so easily, you know? There should be an assessment period. If you fail, you will be reduced to an internship boyfriend again. "

"I remember. You said that."