"So, I'll ask Uncle Zhang for advice on many things, but I really can't see that he even has people he likes. But when they are so old, can they still be together? He's not alone every day. He's all by himself. And for so many years, there's no one who can say something intimate. It's really pitiful to think about it. "

"You can rest assured that when you don't go to work, it's time for him to meet his goddess. So, you usually don't see him date, because basically you stay at home and don't go out. He goes out when he goes out on a date, and he's dressed up like a doll. I met him last time, I'm surprised to see that he's 20 years younger. You can't recognize him as Zhang Bo. "

"Well, I think so. A lot of times, I wonder why Uncle Zhang asked me to find an old companion. Maybe he really likes you so much. He should always be by your side, and he wants to stay by your side wholeheartedly and attentively. He is really a great person who can insist on doing something, It's my life to be a man for decades. I'm sure I can't stand your bad temper. I didn't expect that he could bear it. It's really not easy for you now. If Uncle Zhang gets married, he must be a necessary good man at home. "

"Why do you say I'm worthless? How can I say that I'm also a must-have at home, a good man? I can cook and put dishes. I can make you happy with everything. Moreover, I'm so patient now. How can you say that about me and compare me with others? Can I compare with Zhao Bo? I haven't done any housework since I was a child. It's all done by servants. Now I'm cooking for you. "

"Listen to what you mean, do I have to be very grateful? Then I'm really going to come over to show that I'm moved. Wow, my boyfriend actually cooks for me. I'm so moved. Is that right?"

"I don't have any sincerity. I'm just surprised. You've been exaggerating and not praising me. I've made great progress. If you are proud of me, you can praise me a little. You haven't praised me."

"How do you want me to praise you? Let me tell you something. I don't praise people easily. If he's not very good, I'll be conservative and don't praise him. Now that you've said that, I think it's necessary for me to praise you so that you won't have any enthusiasm, right? "

"Forget it. Since you don't know you want to praise me, I don't have to pester you any more. Anyway, I know I'm excellent. Don't you say I'm narcissistic? Anyway, I'm so narcissistic. I can't help it. "

"Why, you're not convinced, are you? I tell you that I am also very patient. As long as you say what you want to do, I can do my best to meet your requirements. Tell me how you want me to praise you. It doesn't take much effort to praise you, does it? Maybe I'm really happy with you. If I don't say it, I really don't know how you want me to praise you. There's no shop in this village. Look, I seldom praise people. "