"You see, I knew you were angry again. Didn't I say it all before? You would be angry, but now you go back on it. Didn't you say that I could put forward anything? If you do, I dare not say my opinion in the future, or you don't want to accept my opinion at all. "

"Yes, I'm not going to accept your opinion from the beginning to the end. You probably understand me when I say so. So you should stop bothering me here today. What little book did you say just now? I can tell you very clearly that if you dare to take the book to write it down, it's over. You're waiting to be an intern boyfriend forever, The chance to become a regular has nothing to do with you. "

"No, no, I guess it is, but sometimes it's not my fault. Is it because I only allow you to make mistakes?"

"Yes, if you think it's unfair, there's nothing I can do about it. If you don't want to be with me, you can't give me a physical examination. I have no opinion at all. Of course, my impression of you will be very nervous. Then our score will be very low. The consequence of low score is that you will never get me. Think about it yourself, If you can bear it, I don't have any opinions. You can't go your own way and do whatever you want. You don't have to ask my opinions at all. "

"Well, I think I'm under a lot of pressure. Forget it. Since you don't like this way, I won't try it in the future. I'm afraid of you. I don't dare to give any advice in the future. But it's OK. As long as it can prove how much I love you and how strong you are, other men won't be able to support you, Then you'll have to stay by my side. "

"I didn't expect that you were so scheming. You planned this in advance. It seems that I have to be more careful in the future. If I find you in the trap, I won't be able to leave you. However, although you do spoil me, I'm a very rational girl. You'd better take it."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that. What does this prove? It's only to prove that you also have this weakness. As long as I find your weakness and grasp it in my hand, you can never leave me."

"I really didn't find out. I didn't think you were so scheming before. It seems that your job is more terrible than that of women. I didn't notice you about computers before, but it's not too late to find out now. In the future, I will pay attention to your routine, and you can't circle me."

"That's impossible. You look down on my IQ too much. Otherwise, how can I have today's achievements? So you should be careful. After all, I don't think you can compare with me in the workplace. Although my EQ is not as high as mine, I think the girls I like are the best. So don't blame me for my bad words, I'm telling you the truth. You are the best in my eyes, but you may be ordinary in other people's eyes. "

"OK, very good. I think what you said is very reasonable. I'm such an ordinary girl. I'm just ordinary looking."