"That's true. He doesn't dare to do anything to you now. He's counting on you to give him two more points. "

"What about you? What are you looking forward to?"

"I'm looking forward to your coming to see me, so now my wish has come true."

"That's all, you're sure."

"Yes, my things are always simple. I want you to pay more attention to me. Look at me more so that I can leave a little place in your heart. I think a lot. But sometimes it's really more than just thinking about it. "

"I didn't understand a word you said, so I can be more straightforward."

"Here I like you, and I hope you like me too. Ask us to like equally, as long as you like a little bit. "

"Why do I think you are so humble in love. You don't have to be like this at all. I'm not very good. Why do you have to hang yourself in my crooked neck tree? "

"I've never seen a girl like you describe herself like that. You look down on yourself

"I'm telling the truth. I feel it myself. I'm not very good, and I'm not so good. I'm much more beautiful than I am. And I can't even cook. What do you like about me

"Maybe it's personality. I really don't know why I like this kind of thing. Like now I don't know why I like you, but I just like you to death, so it's really hard to answer this question. "

"Well, you all answered the same. I would like to know why you like me, but no one can give a reasonable explanation. But that's good. If it's really just for one purpose, it's meaningless. "

"You're right. If they have one purpose, it's not to like. It's called purposeful pursuit of a person. Even if you get it, you may not be very happy in your heart. "

"After saying so much, you still don't know why you like me. Forget it, I won't embarrass you. You can cook well. After all, this may be the last time I eat your cooking. "

"You see, I'll say you've already thought about people. You have to choose, not me. That's what I've known for a long time. "

"I can't say that. In fact, you still have hope. I don't hate you at all. There should be some people who like you a little. After all, how can I not like you at all after contacting with you for such a long time. And you have a great personality. Most girls can't stand it. "

"But I don't like them. I only like you."

"But I only have one, and today you two can only choose one person, you know, this result is not what I want, although it sounds like I'm really bad. But that's the truth. I can't bear to see any of you leave sad. But I have to make a choice. "

"I won't embarrass you. Just be happy. That's all I can say. After all, I like girls to live happily. It's also a good thing. "

"I suddenly feel how strange you are today. You always say something about chicken soup. You don't think you've seen too much chicken soup. "

"It's not. It's just that I thought about it all night last night. I'm just a little emotional."

"Don't think so much. It's no use thinking so much. It's important to cook well. "