"I can't even get up. I have to fight. Even if I'm so determined. Now I can compare with you. Do you want to accept the challenge

"It's mean of you to take advantage of others' danger."

"I can't help it. You're just as cunning." He Lian North Mo spread to spread to spread a hand to say very helplessly.

"Yes. I have nothing to say when you sincerely want to compare with me. But as you can see today, I really can't compare with you. Or another day when I'm well, we'll have a real game

"Well, I don't mind. It all depends on your attitude. "


In the end, neither of them left the ward. One left and one right, sitting beside Su xiatong, guarding her.

"You sit over there. Why are you so close?" He lianbei Mo looks at Ji Zechen sitting beside Su xiatong.

"You still have the face to say that if you don't stay away from me, your face will be on other people's legs."

"I'd love to. You don't care. I'm her ex boyfriend anyway. What are you, a nobody who dares to accuse me here? "

"Ex boyfriend, do you think it's a special noble identity. It's just being dumped by her. You can't be happy where you are. "

"Dare you say it again."

"Why don't you dare. I'll say it again. I can say it twice. Say it ten times, and I'd love to

"... shut up. Don't disturb people's sleep. "

"You think I want to talk to you. If you get out early, I don't want to argue with you here."

"It's you who should get out. In what capacity did you stay with him? "

"Don't think your ex boyfriend is great. I'm going to be her current boyfriend in no time


"Well..." when they were arguing. Su xiatong suddenly turned over.

They were quiet at once.

Big eyes staring at each other. In the end, both sides couldn't hold on. They all fell asleep in less than an hour.

When Su xiatong woke up the next day, he was lying in the arms of Helian Beimo.

"Helian Beimo, get up for me. Who told you to hold me while I was sleeping. " Su Xia Tong said and grabbed his collar and pulled him up.

He lianbei Mo opens his sleepy eyes and looks at Su xiatong in front of him with some doubts.

"What's the matter, Tong Tong? Who made you angry? "

"Who else, of course, is you. Why are you here. And he, what the hell are you two doing? "

"I'm afraid he'll take advantage of your tofu. That's why I came to protect you. "

"I think it's you who want tofu. They are sleeping peacefully. " Su Xia Tong pointed to Ji Zechen, who was sleeping on one side.

"I don't care. He's just bad. We had a fight last night. You don't know you're sleeping so well

"What do you have to quarrel about. If we fight every day and meet each other every day, it's the end of the fight. "

"As long as you don't make a choice, it's not over."

"What's the matter, threatening me. I'll tell you, I'm not going to do it yet. "

"I'm not threatening you. You misunderstood me again."

"Forget it, I misunderstood you? Don't quibble about yourself any more. That's exactly what I mean

"Tong Tong, if you don't believe anyone, you can't believe me. I can't do you any harm. Besides, you know me so well that you don't know who I am

"I don't know who you are."