"I won't listen, especially to you. I don't want to listen at all."

"I don't want to listen. Now I have to listen carefully. Your safety is the most important, so I can't let you out."

"... so what do you want?"

"Remember to tell me when you get there, that's all."

"I see. I'll hang up if I have nothing else to do."

"Well. Hang up. "

Hang up the phone, Su xiatong in the heart some make a block.

In fact, she wanted to teach him a lesson, but she was choked by him instead.

The meaning of listening to him is to care about him. If he doesn't say it again, he can't do it anyway. Face should be given.

"Master, please go to the playground." Su xiatong suddenly remembered that she had not told the driver where she was going.

"All right."

Half an hour later, he made it to the playground. She went earlier, so there are not many people in the playground.

Sitting on one side of the bench, waiting for a while, Qiao yuan arrived.

"Tong Tong, I've kept you waiting."

"No, I've just arrived, too."

"Let's play something today."

"You can play anything. It's up to you."

"Let's play the carousel first. Don't be too exciting. Roller coaster or something. "

"Well, I've just had breakfast. I can't play too exciting."

Two people discuss, don't change the day happy to sit carousel. Although both of them are adults, they are still small children..

"Yuanyuan, please take a picture for me."

"OK, give me your cell phone." Su xiatong hands her cell phone.

"No, Tong Tong, you are developing too fast."

"What's going on so fast." Su xiatong was asked a little confused.

"What you set up for this lock screen wallpaper is Helian Beimo."

"How can I say that? It's me."

"See for yourself." Qiao yuan handed her the mobile phone again.

"When do I sleep in the sun. I don't think he did it himself. Who told him to touch my cell phone. " Su Xia Tong more think more angry, finally simply called he lianbei mo.

"He lianbei Mo! You have to explain it to me today. "

"Did I do something wrong again?"

"It's not only a mistake, it's a big mistake. Who asked you to change my cell phone wallpaper. It's changed into your picture. You need a face. "

"You said that. I just changed it for you yesterday. Well, it's not bad. "

"Don't narcissize you there. Who told you to use my cell phone. You've forgotten everything I said yesterday, haven't you

"Of course not. I just changed the wallpaper. You don't have to be angry. It's just a big deal. "

"Helianbeimo, I warn you for the last time. Don't use my cell phone any more. Do you hear me

"I know. I won't dare to move anything in the future."

He Lian North Mo very clever assurance way.

"That's about it. Hang up."

"Have you reached the place yet?"

"It's already here. I'm playing the carousel with Yuanyuan."

"I told you to call when you arrived. It's already playing. You really don't trust me. "

"Come out to play. Why are you so serious? Besides, I'm calling you."

"You are obviously calling to question me, OK. If it wasn't for my wallpaper change, would you not have called me

"I don't think you really want me to have fun, do you?"