"You are a black sheep. I said I had so many cousins, but you wrapped up the hotel. You really know how to live

"I've really tried my best, OK. And this time I'll let you order. I promise not more. I'll just listen to you. " Helianbeimo raised his hands and swore.

"Well, for the sake of your sincerity, I'll forgive you once. Don't have next time. There's no way to have dinner every day. "

"Listen to you. Wife, I gave the money to you before, and you can manage the account, so I won't spend money indiscriminately. "

"Why should I care about your money. In case there's a million and eight hundred thousand missing. Who am I looking for? "

"I drew it for you at that time, but I didn't want it. It doesn't matter how much it's yours anyway. "

"Don't tease me there. You put so much money here. I can't sleep at night. Don't make me unable to eat at that time."

"Look, it scares you. Your psychological quality is not good."

"I don't want to, but I don't dare to take care of the accounts. Besides, I don't know how to manage my own money. I'm also looking for a financial adviser. "

"There's a financial adviser. It's not ready-made. I can help you manage your account."

"Yesterday, I spent so much money. How can I trust to give it to you?"

"I'm so extravagant. I'm still so rich. I can make money out of money. "

"Whose voice is better than singing? I don't have enough money for you to invest."

"Not much. How much do you have now?"

"More than 10 million."

Su Xia Tong thought and said.

"I can't see you're an invisible rich woman."

"How can I compare with you? You're so rich. I'm not a drop in the bucket."

"That's a lot. Don't tell me that you make money selling signatures."

"Of course, I didn't know Ji Zechen's signature was so easy to buy. If I had known, I would have asked him to sign more. "

"My signature is also very easy to sell, or I'll sign some for you."

"Why do you sell pancakes and fruits? Why don't you take a picture? Doesn't the picture sell higher?"

"What's the matter with selling photos. I don't know. I thought I was broke. "

"Young master Helian still needs this kind of face. I thought you were used to doing anything. "

"I have principles, too. Well, no one can force me to do what I don't want to do."

"So you are very willing to sign for me now."

"Yes, I am very, very voluntary." He Lian North Mo affirmative ground nods.

"You sign ten thousand copies first. If I can sell them, you can sign more than one hundred thousand copies, and I can still mail them. But if you sign well, I expect you to get rich. "

"Ten thousand?" Helian Beimo looks at her in surprise.

"Why, ten thousand is a lot. Ji Zechen signed 50000 copies. "

"He's really powerful." He lianbei Mo once praised his rival.

"So, you have to learn from him, don't you. I won't embarrass you either. You can sign 10000 copies first. "

"That's a light thing to say. Is it as easy as eating crabs? "

"Isn't it? A pen and a book are enough. If they are not enough, I can provide them for free."

"Do I care about the paper and the pen?"

"It's better if I'm not here, so I don't offer anything, right. You don't have to be afraid of losing money in this kind of business. "