"Vic, what do you usually do? That is, before I came here. "

"Before, I always followed the young master. I always follow you when you go out. "

"And now? You're following me. What's he going to do? "

"Don't worry about that. The young master has employed many secretaries to take my place."

"So you are dispensable?" Su Xia Tong blinked with uncertain meaning.

"I don't mind if you think so."

"That's what I think."


"Vic, why are you here. I haven't seen you for a long time

A well-dressed female employee comes to Vick. When he spoke, he glanced at Su Xia Tong beside him.

"I have other things to do recently." Vic's attitude is lukewarm. Su xiatong knows that this is his usual attitude to people except her and Ji Zechen.

"Who is she?" The woman turns to Su xiatong.

"She is the young master's guest." Vick's euphemistic explanation. After all, the relationship between the two, Su Xia Tong is not willing to recognize.

"Looking at quite young, did not expect..." that woman sees Su Xia Tong's vision to become a little different.

"What do you mean?" Su Xia Tong of course heard the meaning of the words. Is this woman sick! It's just a sentence. It's all wrong.

"Nothing else, literally."

"Lena, don't talk nonsense." Vic said with a cold face.

"Am I wrong? There's nothing else but that relationship. "

Lena showed her hand indifferently, expressing her helplessness.

"Not everyone is what you think. I think you must be an expert if you pay so much attention to this aspect? "

"You! What are you talking about? "

"Is that angry? I'm not angry. What are you angry about? Isn't that right? " Su Xia Tong's face is very calm, not affected at all.

"I tell you, even if you enter Ji's family, I have a way to get you out!"

"That really disappoints you. I really don't have any plans to be here."

"What! You didn't come to work? "

"Who told you I came to work?" Su Xia Tong looked at her scornfully.

"I..." Lina suddenly didn't know how to answer her.

Did she get it wrong? No, it's impossible. That's what she said on purpose.

"Don't think I'll believe you if you say that."

"It's none of my business whether you believe it or not. Anyway, I'm not right. I don't believe you asked Vic

Lena turns to look at Vic.

Vic's still the same face.

"Lina, I said she's a guest. Don't be rude."

"Vic, I don't know, don't you? How long has the president not had a girlfriend? She's the only one who deserves it? "

"Miss Lina, I think you misunderstood again. When did I say I was your president's girlfriend?"

"Isn't it? It seems that you don't even have a place. You're so pathetic. "

"..." Su xiatong has been too lazy to pay attention to her, and there is no one in her IQ.

"There's nothing to say. I knew that the president was just playing. I remember she came to the company two days ago. She's much longer than you. "

"Lina!" Vic roared. How can Miss Su know such a thing!

"What's better than me? Who are you talking about? " Su xiatong didn't respond.