But, he is jealous, is not reconciled.

Especially, when he is dating Xiaobai, Remy sometimes has the audacity to follow him. He has no consciousness of being a light bulb, which makes him very depressed.

Invite Xiaobai to live in his house? Not to mention whether Xiaobai would agree or not, for Remy, it's also an act of tearing down the bridge.

Finally, one day, guyisi decided to return his house and ran to Remy's home with his luggage.

When he knocked on the door, Remy just woke up and came to open the door with her hair in disorder and her eyes rubbed.

Xiaobai went out to buy breakfast. He thought Xiaobai would come back so soon. Unexpectedly, he saw a face he didn't want to see.

In particular, when I saw the suitcase at his feet, I was more alert.

"What are you doing?" Remy just left a gap and looked at him defensively.

"I can't let my girlfriend live alone with you. I'll apply for a room, and I'll pay you for it every month." Gu Yixi said that he was neither humble nor overbearing.

"I object!" Remy desperately closed the door. He didn't want to live with a man. He had to watch their little lovers show their love every day.

Guysi put one leg in the crack of the door and tried to squeeze in. The two people were deadlocked with each other.

"If you don't agree with me to move in, I'll take Xiaobai out to live, and you'll never eat her Chinese food again." Kuisi is shamelessly threatening.

Remy's firm heart relaxed.

Yes, Xiaobai is guyisi's girlfriend after all. No matter how reluctant he is, it is a fact.

If Xiaobai really goes out to live with him, it's really lonely to be alone in the empty room every day.

And What a loss it would be to think of never eating her Chinese food again.

Taking advantage of Remy's absence, guyisi has opened the door and squeezed in, and has no doubt to find an empty room.

Remy came back to stop him, but it was too late.

If you come in, you can't carry things out again.

They fought for a long time, but in the end, Remy failed.

When he Xiaobai comes back, what he sees is that Remy and Gu Yixi are sitting harmoniously on the sofa in the living room watching the ball game, and there is a suitcase standing beside them.

She was quite surprised and asked: "this is..."

Guysy came over, put her arms around her waist, said with a smile, "to move in with you, Remy has agreed."

This action power is too fast, although guysi mentioned it to her before, she completely thought he was joking.

He Xiaobai looks at Remy with his eyes. He nods in frustration and acquiesces.

Originally empty home, after accepting he Xiaobai, ushered in a third person.

Three people living under the same roof, in the eyes of others may be a little strange, but a bit more vitality and lively than before.

It is at this time that he Xiaobai finds that these two men sometimes make her speechless.

Their relationship is still not so harmonious. They can always attack each other with the most mean language, and fight to the death every minute. Sometimes, they have a strange tacit understanding.

"What would you like to eat in the evening?" He Xiaobai habitually asks for their opinions. She enjoys the process of cooking.

"Braised spareribs." The answer was not hesitant.

This dish has become his most memorable and aftertaste.