Fortunately, she didn't seem to be disgusted. She stirred the coffee in the cup and said faintly, "yes, I'm bored at home alone. I'll just come over and have afternoon tea to pass the time. It's also very fast."

At the end of the speech, she used to tick the corner of her mouth, a casual move in his eyes are charming.

But he always remembered that he was just a stranger in front of her for the first time.

He took a sip from his cup and said, "the coffee here is good."

Recently, Remy shuttles around the world every day to do technical guidance in order to make his research more successful in medicine.

He Xiaobai is the only one left in the empty home. Every day she is bored and has no one to talk to. She will come out to have a look at the scenery.

Even if you sit quietly in a coffee shop for an afternoon and look through magazines, it's better than being alone at home.

In front of this man's elegant manner, gentlemanly, impression plus points.

I don't know why, at the first sight of him, she would have a feeling of deja vu. Maybe, at the same time, because of the Oriental people, she didn't dislike him.

"Are you Chinese?" She seemed to be interested in him and asked.

Although they are both Asians, Chinese people and people from other countries still look different. They have an unspeakable sense of intimacy.

Of course, Guyi would not miss this opportunity to talk to her. He nodded: "well, my name is Guyi. I'm Chinese and a painter. I study here and draw for others."

"Goosey." She read it again, inexplicably, and felt comfortable.

During the Q & a period, his first meeting with her was also very fruitful.

At least, she knew his name, his profession, and a little bit about him.

Guysina said every word in a proper manner. He didn't dare to ask too many questions. He didn't dare to ask her for a phone.

Even when she closed the magazine and said that she was going to leave, he could only smile and say "goodbye" to her, and then looked at her back and left, not daring to step forward.

A few days later, he Xiaobai accidentally spilled coffee on his clothes. When he was busy rummaging around looking for a tissue, a pair of strong and slender hands stretched out at the right time and handed over a tissue.

A man with beautiful hands is no worse.

He Xiaobai took over and looked up gratefully: "thank you."

Just, see that some familiar face, she Leng for a while, then some surprise said: "it's you!"

"Yes, what a coincidence." With a smile on her face, goosey naturally sat down opposite her.

People who only met once in a while will always be surprised to see them again.

Who would have thought that this was his intention. He has been waiting for her to appear, waiting for such a suitable time to appear in front of her.

"A cup of coffee." Ancient Yi Si wanted as like as two peas.

Sitting face to face, she seemed to know him better than when she first met him.

The topic between the two people also increased, he would occasionally say one or two jokes to make her happy.

He is handsome, elegant and gentlemanly. His words are occasionally witty but not frivolous. It's very comfortable to be with him. He Xiaobai doesn't reject him at all.

The afternoon passed quickly. When she looked at her watch and left, she went to the bar to check out, but was told that the bill had been bought by a gentleman.