She was so close to the doctor Are they Dating?

When he was seriously ill and desperate, he met a young and handsome doctor. When you open your eyes at that moment, there must be some inexplicable feelings.

A stab in the heart, even if, they are really in contact, even if, no matter how sad, he will restrain his emotions, quietly quit.

He won't be as jealous and rude as he used to be.

Now, he seems to know the true meaning of love better.

As long as you see her happiness, it's enough. Even if you can only be a bystander in her life, he will silently guard her and look at her back.

He didn't know whether he was looking for her this time, whether she was escaping from the past, just had a new life, and whether his appearance would disturb her.

He only knew that he had to go, even if he could only look at her from a distance, it was better than seeing her coming on the screen like this.

Thinking all the way about some messy things, the plane finally arrived in the city.

This is a very beautiful European city with unique architecture and scenery. Every year, a large group of tourists come from all over the world to appreciate the thousands of years of culture and post-modern trend.

Compared with those who come to play, his mood is totally different.

He couldn't care to see the beautiful architecture and scenery. All he wanted was to see her earlier.

Such a city, big or small It's still a little hard to find someone.

Aimless, he didn't know where to find her.

In the dark, she seemed to be involved with him, because he felt her existence in his intuition.

She and he, there are always so many coincidences.

Slowly calm down, at this time of his mature mild a lot.

Guysy found a hotel to stay.

I'm afraid few people know that guysy used to like painting best.

He has been very talented since he was a child. He has never received any professional training, but he paints well, especially good at copying.

When I was in junior high school, I met an art teacher who appreciated him very much.

On the road of painting, the teacher gave him a lot of guidance and help. He respected him very much and regarded him as a good teacher and friend in his life. He never spared to share any good ideas or creations with him.

Just, once, when guysy saw his carefully drawn work published in the magazine, with the teacher's name under it, his mind suddenly went blank.

The picture he showed to the teacher was secretly taken by him to participate in the competition and published.

I'm afraid that the most unacceptable thing for creative people is that others take their own things and publicize them.

Every work is like his own bone. He came to this world after all kinds of experiences, and was robbed of his life

Guysi was silent for several days. The most respected person in his heart suddenly made such a thing, which was hard for him to accept.

When he took the magazine to find the teacher and calmly wanted an explanation, the other side threw him an envelope and said carelessly, "you are still a child now, and there are still many opportunities to be famous in the future. Besides, no one believes that you painted it when you take it out. It's a reward. You get a lot of money for it... "

When the other party's words were still declining, guysi was angry. He tore the magazine and the RMB in the envelope. With a wave of anger, he left a room full of mess and the teacher's stunned face.