He Xiaobai waved his hand: "Auntie, thank you, no, really no!"

After taking Remy's pocket pistol as a toy gun, she ordered him to put away all the dangerous things.

She swaggered around with a gun every day, which she found hard to accept.

Seeing her refusal, Lei's mother was not angry. She felt all the pistols thoughtfully and put them away.

She is an ordinary child, maybe this kind of thing will scare her.

And next to Remy silent, just smiling at.

As a child, he didn't spend much time at home.

Before the age of 20, I was busy in school and enriching myself.

After 20 years old, he has become a famous doctor in the circle.

All we know is that he is a medical genius, but we don't know that he has such a prominent family background that sounds like a thunderbolt.

He knows everything about he Xiaobai, at least after erasing her memory, he knows it all.

He had no reservation for her.

The visitors are guests. Maybe the Remy family know this better than ordinary people. That's why they are respected and go so far on that road.

At the moment of knowing their identity, she will feel a little at a loss. She will feel more and more relaxed when she gets along with them simply.

They are also like ordinary families, full of love.

He Xiaobai saw Lei's father and mother quarreling for the first time. Lei's mother was a queen and yelled at Lei's father. Lei's father had an iceberg face and was indifferent to Lei's mother. Every word she said was sharp and direct. She didn't feel the respect between husband and wife.

Remy was used to it: "they've been fighting like this for half their lives. My father thinks my mother is not gentle enough and not feminine enough. He can say nothing, but others just say that my mother is not good enough, so he is anxious. In fact, my mother is also. It seems that she bullies my father very fiercely. It's impossible for others to touch him. Mom has a quick temper. When he was young, Dad had a bad temper. After he got married with mom, he gradually converged. But sometimes, when Dad's real temper comes up, mom will gently enlighten him. "

Remy is just an accessory of their love. Sometimes, he feels weak in front of them.

It's said that Lei's mother was extremely reluctant to have a baby, and Lei's father didn't have any opinions, so he completely obeyed Lei's mother.

By grandfather forced no way, an accident, Remy this just came to the world.

Lei's father and mother have been together for so many years. Although they seem to be fighting every day, they have never really turned red.

They care about each other and are willing to make some changes for each other, which has become a unique way for them to get along with each other.

He Xiaobai suddenly envies them. It's a kind of happiness to find the most important person in his life, form a family together, grow old together and depend on each other.

And remember your feelings She suddenly found that her mind was blank, with a vague outline, but she couldn't see anything clearly. Think hard. I have a headache.

Did she ever fall in love with others? She can't remember.

"What's the matter? What's wrong? " Aware of her anomaly, the doctor's intuition made Remy grab her arm and ask.

"Oh It's OK. " He Xiaobai shook his head.