If his father loses, his mother will be proud, and his father will be defeated.

Most of the time, his mother will win.

But he once looked at it seriously. His father's skill in shooting alone is much better than his mother's.

Although the couple may kill each other at any time, only the family knows how tired they are.

His father was schemed by someone and accidentally scratched a small hole. His mother was so angry that she almost took someone to fight.

his mother cut a new hairstyle, he didn't make complaints about it, and his father immediately beat him up.

I'm afraid such a wonderful couple can't find a second couple in the world. It's said that my uncle used to be on the road. How could he and my aunt be so peaceful.

Having been influenced by this way of life since childhood, Remy's spirit is not strong enough.

Unfortunately, he didn't like to fight and kill when he was young. He was only interested in scalpels.

Remy has only concentrated on her own interests since she was a child, and seldom deals with women.

In his cognition, women in the world are as simple and rough as his mother, regardless of details, and their behaviors are fiercer than tigers.

Until I met he Xiaobai, she was the first woman he had been with for such a long time.

She is very timid, afraid of blood, afraid of a lot of things.

She made him realize the truth that women are troublesome, but in a way, he would feel very cute.

She has the virtue her mother didn't have.

She would clean his room, wash his clothes and cook delicious Chinese food for him, which made Remy, who has always been an idiot in life, feel that this way of life is also very good.

I'm afraid only his father can bear a woman like his mother.

The relationship between Remy and he Xiaobai is very harmonious.

They are more intimate than ordinary friends, but they have no feelings for each other. They are more like relatives, like a family.

He saved her life, she gradually let him rely on, let him feel that there is a person around with good.

Remy, who has been busy for a year, enjoys this kind of recreation.

They can spend all day on the sofa watching movies without getting bored.

He could take her around most of the city just to buy soy sauce and make a Chinese dish he wanted to eat.

He can lead her to the street, watch the performance of street artists full of characteristics, feed pigeons in the square, and buy a delicious ice cream to sit on the steps when tired.

People get along with each other by a feeling. Sometimes, it's really a kind of fate to meet such a person who has the same ideals and feels happy even if they are bored together.

Remy's leisurely life didn't last long. His mother called last time.

As soon as he picked it up, he covered his face and said, "Stinky boy! You are finally willing to answer the phone! I thought you were done outside! The day after tomorrow your grandfather's birthday, dare to play missing again, I'll waste you! "

Rao is far away, he Xiaobai also heard the roar from the phone.

Leimi seems to have been used to it. After hanging up the phone, he Xiaobai shrugs helplessly.

Since he devoted himself to his research, in order not to be disturbed, his mobile phone has been changed and people have disappeared. No wonder his mother is so angry.

Grandfather's birthday, he must go. There was no doubt that his mother would take off his arm if he didn't go.

As a doctor, no one knows the structure of human bones better than him, and even he can accurately grasp the position of every organ.