He Xiaobai will not take his help as any concern.

He doesn't want her snot to flow. Let's get in the car. It's disgusting for a woman to just sniff in front of him. If she turns a blind eye to it, isn't she disgusting himself?

Halfway through the car, goosey got a call.

At the beginning, he just answered coldly. He didn't know what the other party said. His whole body suddenly became serious. He hung up the phone, stepped on the gas and drove faster.

Looking at him in such a hurry, what happened to Aunt Gu?

He Xiaobai was secretly worried, but he bit his lips and didn't ask much.

Sometimes they don't need too much verbal communication. Both of them know very well. Just like now, what they care about is Gu Ma's body.

The car stops at the door of the hospital. Two people get out of the car and stride inside. He Xiaobai follows Gu Yixi's steps.

When she went upstairs, she met the nurse who was in charge of taking care of aunt Gu. She looked anxious and felt guilty when she saw Gu Yixi.

"Mr. Koo." When I came to him, I saw a woman standing behind him.

Regardless of the origin of this woman, the little nurse quickly gave a brief account of aunt Gu's situation.

There were few medical staff on duty at noon. She went to get lunch as usual. It was at this time that Aunt Gu left the ward. By chance, she avoided the eyes of all medical staff and left the hospital alone.

However, after more than ten minutes, when the nurse came back with lunch, she found that her aunt had disappeared. At that time, she was so anxious that she looked everywhere and couldn't find her. Through the surveillance screen of the hospital, she was seen out of the hospital gate.

Aunt Gu's consciousness is not very clear. It's too dangerous to go out alone. After reporting the situation to the above, the hospital immediately organized a group of people to look for it.

The little nurse was crying for fear that something might happen to her aunt. For such a long time, she accompanied her aunt every day. She was not only worried about how to explain to her family, but also worried about the safety of her aunt.

Although it was found later, the situation is not optimistic.

When Aunt Gu was walking around the street, she ran through the traffic lights unconsciously and was hit by a car.

And now, it's in the operating room.

"Mr. Gu, are you AB type blood? My aunt is a little ischemic. There is a shortage of AB type blood in the warehouse." Seeing guysy is like seeing a savior. She has asked a lot of people, and no one's blood type can be used.

Gu Yixi frowned and was thinking about how to save his mother when he Xiaobai behind him raised his hand without hesitation: "I am! Smoke me

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes turned to her. At the moment, there was a kind of worry on her face like guyisi. It can be seen how much she cared about Aunt Gu in the operating room.

The little nurse found that the woman behind him was he Xiaobai. She was really surprised and stammered: "he Miss ho

She has changed so much that she looks much thinner.

He Xiaobai has rolled up his sleeve, ready: "where to draw blood?"

"Come with me." Miss nurse was leading the way. She suddenly thought of something. She turned her head and asked, "he Xiaobai, do you weigh 45kg?"

I'm really a little worried about her current physical condition, whether she can hold the blood drawing.