What, what, it's already night? So he's back from work?

How long did she sleep? Why didn't she feel at all. Knock some confused head, she must have taken medicine twice last night, so she will sleep until now.

He Xiaobai seems to understand something. He must have misunderstood the sleeping pills on the table because he couldn't sleep.

She also feels very sorry in the heart, all blame oneself muddle headed, harm Yi Xibai to worry.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Yi Xi. I couldn't sleep, so I took sleeping pills and accidentally took one more pill I'm sorry to worry you. " She bowed her head and apologized cleverly.

Who knows, to hear her words, like a cat caught in pain, the whole person's aura is even colder. Just like a knife, he doesn't give any respect to others: "don't be sentimental. It's none of my business that you want to die or live!"

Then he turned around and left.

She watched him throw the door out, wanted to call him, but did not know how to speak, had to give up.

But inadvertently, she saw a small shallow bloodstain on the slipper he replaced. She quickly went to take it up and saw that a sharp broken glass through the sole of the slipper revealed a sharp head, and his foot was stabbed.

He walked the same way as before, and she didn't see it.

"Easy, your feet..." When she opened the door to chase out, he had already driven past her. Seeing her waving, he stepped on the gas and left quickly.

If he doesn't leave, he really doesn't know how to disguise and let her know that he is worried about her. She must be very proud, right? Hum, he was just confused for a moment. He had only hatred for her. There would never be anything else!

After walking far away, the mood slowly calmed down, and then felt a deep pain in the sole of the foot.

He Xiaobai knew that he was injured, worried and helpless.

No matter how cold and hurtful goosey's words are, they are still moving for her. At least he cares a little about her.

If he does not admit it, she will not mention it, as long as there is a comfort in her heart.

In order to cover up the deep heart involuntarily care about her, come back again, Gu Yixi become more indifferent, her attitude is also more bad, he absolutely does not allow that day to happen again.

In order to let himself completely put her down, he even used the means to use her to destroy her once deeply loved in his heart.

A delicate low cut dress was thrown onto the sofa. He Xiaobai, who helped him hang his clothes, saw that he was just about to reach for it, but took it back. He tentatively asked him, "Yi Xi, is this dress for me?"

She never thought that Yi Xi would buy clothes for her, but he came back with a brand dress in the evening. Who would he give it to?

"Well, come to a party with me in the evening." He didn't reply coldly.

He Xiaobai asked incredulously, "can I?"

Since he got married, he has never taken her to any activities. It's a luxury to even talk to her. Why did he take her to the party suddenly this time.

He Xiaobai is so happy that he is dazed by the sudden happiness. He doesn't notice that Gu Yixi's face is cold and there is something dangerous in his eyes.

Does this mean that easy doesn't hate her so much? Does it mean that their relationship will be relaxed and gradually move from the low point to the love period?