Xu Miaoyun did not stay any longer and left the ward.

Although she didn't have in-depth contact, she had a good impression of he Xiaobai.

She had seen her with guysy, but she didn't mention it. She didn't challenge her like some women. On the contrary, she was so polite to her. Such a woman is really rare.

Accidentally know that Xu Miaoyun is Gu aunt's doctor, he Xiaobai himself is also thinking, is not his misunderstanding Yixi? Is it for the sake of my aunt's illness that I saw their relationship and frequent dating before?

If this makes her feel better, she really doesn't mind taking all the previous things as misunderstandings.

But, as always, Gu Yixi is indifferent to her. Occasionally, he can tolerate her staying by his side without any feelings.

Late at night, Gu Yixi returns home drunk again. He Xiaobai, who has just fallen asleep, wakes up and hears that he hurried out of the room wearing slippers.

Seeing him shaking off his clothes, he Xiaobai went to support him: "Yi Xi, how are you, how do you drink so much wine?"

His drunken eyes full of malicious, very disgusted to push away her: "you don't touch me!"

He Xiaobai was unprepared. He stepped back and knocked the back of his head against the wall.

He walked in the cat's step and nearly fell down several times. He Xiaobai rushed over again and grabbed his arm to help him walk.

Gu Yixi dumped him several times, but she didn't let go. The man had a lot of strength. She spent a lot of energy to stick to it, and finally helped him to the sofa. She was already sweating.

He seems to have drunk a lot, sitting on the sofa with his eyes slightly closed. He seems to be a little uncomfortable.

"Easy West, you wait a moment, I go to help you cook to wake up wine soup." In order to make him feel better, she quickly said, turning to go, wrist was unexpectedly tightly grasped.

"What's the matter, easy?" She was stunned for a moment and asked softly.

She thought he had something to say to her. However, when he pulled hard, she fell to the ground and hit the ground with a bang.

He Xiaobai knew what he was going to do. She didn't resist, she didn't get angry, she didn't get angry, she accepted it calmly.

Compared with the previous two times, the mood has been completely different.

If it makes him feel better, she doesn't care. Every time he hurt her, she felt less guilty about him.

Invisible, this also became a kind of repayment.

When he was finally satisfied, she silently sent the button, got up from the sofa, as if nothing had happened, and said softly, "I'll go and make the soup."

The only difference from before is that her legs are shaking slightly and she walks slowly.

After taking care of him lying down, she went to the bathroom to clean herself.

Even when both sides are awake, he looks at her, and she knows what he wants to do next. She is very cooperative.

Their communication is almost zero, and their relationship is worse than that of strangers.

He Xiaobai is especially afraid of the cold. When it comes to this season, he always likes to rub his hands in a warm place. In the past, he likes to put his hands in Yi Xi's big pocket and let his hands wrap his hands. Now, she lost easy However, sunshine is also a good thing.

She adjusted her mood, rubbed her hands, spread out the book on her knee, and said with a smile, "Auntie, let's look at the 48th time today."

To avoid the time when Gu Yixi would come, she came to see Aunt Gu almost every day, but after such a long time, she didn't wake up.

Often think of these, she can not help some depression.

See her every day so, the nurse also advised her, every day read aunt also can't hear, might as well save some energy. He Xiaobai has always insisted, because she believes that there will always be miracles.

Beautiful sound of reading sounded in the ward. He Xiaobai habitually held Gu's cold hand in one hand, and put the other hand on his knee to turn the book.

Her head is slightly low, and her long soft hair falls down unconsciously. From time to time, she hooks her hands behind her ears, and her face is hazy and beautiful.

Suddenly feel a slight itch in the palm, aunt's fingers seem to move slightly, surprised, she looked up in a hurry, in the heart is unable to hide the excitement. The atmosphere dare not come out, staring at the hand tightly.

There was no movement for a long time. Her eyes darkened for a moment.

It seems that his nerves are too sensitive, eager to hope that aunt will wake up, so will have such an illusion.

She mocked herself and lowered her head to read on. She didn't care about the slight changes occasionally.

She read happily, until her hand was gently held back, and she could feel the master's slight force. How could she not be shocked.

Mood is excited, but afraid of disappointment, she slowly looked up, but saw that the person had opened his eyes.

Xu is the reason why she hasn't opened her eyes for more than 20 years. Her eyes are beautiful and pure, like snow that hasn't been polluted.Seeing that she did wake up, he Xiaobai almost cried with joy. His eyes were moist. He held her hands in both hands: "Auntie, you wake up. It's great. It's really great..." She repeated incoherently.

"Auntie, is there anything wrong with you?" After the excitement, she asked eagerly and rang the bell to call the doctor and nurse.

"Well Well... " Gu's mother looked at her and put her other hand to her face. She uttered some simple syllables in her mouth, but she didn't answer her question.

He Xiaobai froze for a moment. From her aunt's eyes, she saw some childlike innocence, or dementia. Is she

Gu mother's hand is still stretched out, it seems to want to catch something, several times empty, inevitably some impatient.