When it comes to the wonderful part, she will have her own insights, or ask Gu Ma's opinions, just like two people communicating face to face.

After a round of reading, she was thirsty.

In the past, she hated reading these boring masterpieces. She had never read them so seriously.

Looking at her watch, it's getting late and easy is about to leave work. She has to go back and wait for him.

Close the book: "Auntie, first read here, you want to like me, after every day to read to you."

Before she left, she helped her to tuck in the corner.

She didn't dare to tell Yi Xi about going to the hospital. Yi Xi was still hostile to her. She didn't know how he would react if he knew that she went to see his mother, and whether he would be furious and ask her not to approach his mother.

She didn't want to do nothing every day. She didn't know how to make up for him. If Gu Ma could wake up, would he hate her less? With this in mind, she will take good care of her anyway.

By the time goosey came back, she was ready to eat.

But he ignored her smiling face. Without saying a word, he took off his suit, untied the front two buttons of his shirt and went straight to the study.

"Yi Xi..." She gave a cry, only to close the door.

"He's probably not hungry. Call him later." She said to herself, sat down in silence, holding her head and looking at the watch.

Half an hour later, she got up and knocked on the door of his study. There was no response. She gently pushed it open. Her voice was gentle: "it's time to eat, Yi Xi."

"I'm not hungry." He gave her three words cold.

"That's more or less to eat..." He is so busy at work every day that his diet is not regular at all.

"Get out!" He looked up at her without expression.

By his fierce eyes staring at the whole body unnatural, she almost ran away, closed the door to retreat.

He was afraid that he would not eat. She went back to the table with her eyelids drooping. She didn't have any idea. She took a few mouthfuls to fill her stomach, but she didn't know what to eat.

After cleaning the table, she curled up on the sofa with a pillow to watch TV.

Only see the huge LCD screen flickering, but did not see what to play.

A little sleepy, she yawned and looked at her watch, it was so late, he still stayed in the study did not come out.

He works so hard every day, how can his body stand it? No matter how bad his attitude towards her is, she will try to persuade him to eat.

He Xiaobai held a bowl of porridge and went to his study to find him: "Yi Xi, I haven't eaten for so long. You can have some porridge."

"I don't want to see you now. Get out of here now!" When he saw her again, there was some anger between his eyebrows.

He Xiaobai pursed his lips. When he didn't hear it, he continued to beg for help and feed him eagerly: "how much do you want to eat, or your body will not be able to bear it..."

Her spoon just came up to his mouth, but even the spoon and bowl were pushed away by him: "I let you out, didn't you hear me?"

The spoon was smashed on the ground, and his sudden action made her step back. Feeling the hot pain on her wrist, she looked down in a hurry, but saw that a bowl of hot porridge had been spilled out.

He didn't frown. His expressionless face made her unable to see his mood at the moment. The only sure thing was that he was very upset with her.

She endured the pain, very reluctantly smile, low said: "it doesn't matter, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't..." The voice is lower and lower, like to say to yourself, hurriedly from the paper box on the desk to take out a piece of paper, wipe the porridge on the wrist, so covered turned out.