"Xiaoshu, what are you doing?" He Xiaobai asked curiously and looked out.

There is no one but a few waiters.

Xiaoshu secretly asked her: "your old master didn't come with you?"

Gu Yixi regards song Tianxiao as his number one rival. He can't help but trust her to come alone this time?

He Xiaobai looked dark and quickly explained with a smile: "he is a little busy recently, I I can't tell him. "

Xiaoshu a sudden realization of the look, smirk at her: "Wow, bold fat, go back to be found by the ancient childe have you suffer."

Although Gu Yixi is a graceful young man and a gentleman, he is also a vinegar jar. What's more, now he is married, I'm afraid he is more overbearing.

He Xiaobai has no choice but to smile bitterly in his heart. He doesn't care about himself. On the surface, he has to smile: "no way."

Muddle headed students pulled in the past, muddle headed was arranged next to song Tianxiao.

Looking at his face, it's really commendable that all the students in the Department came together during the university period. I'm afraid if it wasn't for song Tianxiao, we would never have this opportunity to get together again.

I haven't seen you for a long time. Everyone has changed a little. There is even a girl who has a big stomach for several times and is about to be a mother.

"Cheng Ying, Congratulations! I'm going to be a mother Everyone has sent the most sincere wishes, the girl stroked her stomach, her face was full of happy smile, nodded to accept.

As a result, the topic of discussion has shifted from work to each other's love life. Those who have already got married or found new friends and girlfriends should be lenient in their confessions and strict in their resistance.

In bursts of laughter, I do not know who opened the mouth: "song Xuechang, what about you, have you found a girlfriend abroad?" It immediately got everyone's approval.

Song Tianxiao is such an excellent boy. Naturally, there is no lack of beautiful and excellent girls around him. It's just He never found a girlfriend in his four years of college.

Everyone knows that he has a good feeling for Xiaobai, but they are not sure whether this is the reason why he doesn't find a girlfriend.

"I am busy studying abroad these years, and I have no time to look for it. But now I'm working. I'll find the right one. " Song Tianxiao responded with a smile.

I don't know why, he Xiaobai actually heard a trace of loss from his tone.

Everyone is sharing the sweetness or unhappiness of themselves and their lovers. Even Xiao Shu, who has been single all the time, is absorbed in it and claps her hands from time to time.

But he Xiaobai did not know where he was.

"Xiaobai, your favorite food." Song Tianxiao helped her with the dishes, and she only recovered after several calls.

Looking down at the new dish on her plate, she said awkwardly, "thank you." At the same time, compared with the damage that guyisi caused to her soul, she would feel more tasteless.

"Xiaobai, what about you and guysy?" Song Tianxiao helped her with the dishes and asked casually.

In college, he Xiaobai and Gu Yixi were a pair of young lovers that everyone envied. When they heard this, people also looked at each other, trying to find out when they would finally get married.

Whenever people mention him or ask him, it will only hurt her even more. No matter how sad she is, she has to reply with a smile that they are very good.