"Sorry, I have an appointment." He passed her without looking at her.

"I'll wait for you tomorrow!" She cried eagerly to his back.

"Bang!" The only response to her was the sound of closing the door.

He Xiaobai went back to the room with a lost face. I kept comforting myself. After all, my father has raised him for more than 20 years. He respects my father so much that he should go.

The next afternoon, she went to the downstairs of he department company early to wait for him to get off work. She prepared flowers, cakes, fruits, and the wine that her father loved to drink.

"Easy West!" Seeing him coming out of the company, she ran towards him with her things.

But see, he has hugged the face of a tall beauty, in contrast, her bags appear more ridiculous and funny.

Seeing her, he frowned and growled in anger: "I didn't say I didn't have time! Don't you understand people? "

She didn't think that his so-called lack of time is to date other women, and even a little time is not willing to give her and her dead father.

She is his wife in law. At present, this woman is the third party who disrupts other people's marriage. But now, she is weak and has no confidence to question.

"Isn't this the only time, easy?" She was still hoping that he would change his mind.

He did not look back, and the beauty on the car and left.

He Xiaobai looked at it for a long time, sniffed and took a taxi to the cemetery.

Her father's cemetery is in the suburb. She put flowers, cakes and fruits in front of her father and said with a smile, "Dad, today is your first birthday over there. I brought your favorite wine."

He poured the wine into the glass and touched it gently with one in one hand: "cheers."

Drink one by yourself and sprinkle the other on the floor evenly.

Her stomach was burning. She sat on the floor and continued to pour wine.

"Dad, don't worry about me. Easy treats me very well. He's busy with his work and doesn't care to accompany you. Don't mind..." She drank another glass of wine and talked about it.

Drink while chatting, drink by yourself, sprinkle a cup on the ground, and then you will drink together.

A bottle of wine bottomed out, and the night had come. She stood up and patted her numb legs.

"Happy birthday, Dad. I'll see you another day."

In the dark, she went down the hill alone through a cemetery. She used to have a private car to pick her up everywhere. For the first time, she knew that it was so difficult to get a taxi in the suburbs at night.

I'm afraid she'll have to stay there all night if a kind gentleman doesn't want to take her home.

He Xiaobai never thought that her life would be like this. In just a few months, she suffered from her father's death, her boyfriend's cheating, and all the people who loved her most left her.

The unforgettable pain haunts her all the time. She can't sleep all night long, and her hair falls off. She seems to have lost her soul and become depressed and haggard.

Marriage without love is a torment to her.

She wanted to leave him, but after so many years of feelings, it was not that she could let go. When she was determined to leave him, she found that she could not lose him. Yes, no matter how heartless he is, she still loves him.

She tried to keep him. She wanted to be good and make him fall in love with herself. She didn't believe that he didn't feel anything about her.