The sudden change in her family is a great blow to her. In one day, the family was broken.

At that time, she was in a bad mood, and her colleagues were even more unscrupulous. Often in front of her, some ugly words came out.

When my father was still in power, those people used to flatter and slander me every day.

Although it is difficult for her to accept her father's corruption and bribery, she is her favorite father and her idol all the time.

Because of this, she secretly cried behind her back and fought with the female colleagues of the Bureau in a rage.

From the beginning to the end, only her boss Liu Yan comforted her, encouraged her and accompanied her through the most difficult period of time.

Later, the bureau decided to launch a major operation to collect Lei Yan's evidence and arrest their gang.

However, his organization is deeply rooted and covered by layers of barriers, which is not so easy to grasp.

Before, no matter how hard they enforce the law, no matter how hard they try to move the people at the bottom of him, it's like pulling out a hair for him, which has no effect at all.

He is so hidden that ordinary people can't get close to him, let alone get his trust.

A meeting was held to discuss the plan. It was proposed to use the beauty trick to break into his internal affairs.

This method is a bit crazy. Everyone looks at each other. The gangsters like Lei Yan must be very terrible. Beauty trick? If you are not careful, you will lose your life. Who is willing to take risks.

Jiang wanting suddenly said: "I request to carry out this task."

She just wants to prove that she has the strength to become an excellent policeman, not by her father.

Everyone was surprised, but she insisted.

After the meeting, Liu Yan came to talk to her and advised her to give up. She is still an innocent girl. It's not worthwhile for her to be innocent for the sake of a gangster. No matter how he tries to persuade her, she will not waver.

That time in the bar was the first time she saw Lei Yan.

Her eyes full of fear to avoid chasing, "accidentally" fell in front of him, raised his head to ask him to save her.

Seeing his young and beautiful face, I didn't know that a man could be so gorgeous, even she felt inferior.

If she didn't know his identity in advance, she would never have thought that he was Lei Yan who made countless people scared.

He rescued her, but let her go at will. She hurriedly begged him to take her in. Finally, she stayed with him as she wished.

In the beginning, she suffered a lot and suffered a lot every day.

In order to paralyze him as soon as possible and get his trust, she really used every means, and even took the initiative to climb to his bed. As a result, she was driven out in a mess.

She had only one purpose to get close to him, to get evidence of his crimes, and to arrest him.

I don't know who moved first. I thought I was just a bed companion, but when I fell, I was busy taking care of myself.

When she saw that he was taken away from his entertainment places and smoked with a calm face, she would feel faint heartache, some unbearable and full of guilt.

What is justice, what is evil, what is good, what is bad.

She thought about it countless times.