Worried that her mother would not adapt to the new home, Xiao Mimi decided to spend a few days with her mother at Uncle Bai's invitation.

As a result, the family is busy.

Uncle Bai and mother Xiao love each other and respect each other like a guest, while she and Bai Chi play together every day, hurting and pinching each other.

The night before, they secretly played games in the room until midnight. One of them was sitting cross legged with a lollipop in his mouth, with his teeth and claws open, and he was accompanied by yayahehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe.

Baichi is her best playmate. When we are together with him, we can always enjoy ourselves.

Just having fun, the phone rings and Hua moyao comes to check.

Xiao Mimi quickly pulled the lollipop out of her mouth and yelled, "silence! Hurry up

White pool hands and feet nimbly pressed mute, Xiao Mimi just answered the phone.

Just now, I was excited and yelled. Now my voice became soft and sleepy: "Hello, Yao Yao." The transformation was so great that the white pool nearby almost didn't laugh.

"Did you sleep?" Hua moyao's deep and sexy voice came.

"I'm in bed. I'll go to bed right away." Xiao Mimi also pretended to yawn, soft voice and he reported.

"Well, don't stay up late. Go to sleep." Hua moyao's voice is full of silk.

"Good night, Yao Yao. I'll hang up." The voice is still as soft as water. It seems that it will go to sleep in the next second. As soon as I cut off the phone, I put the lollipop in my mouth and yelled, "turn on the voice!"

Pregnancy is a troublesome thing. She can't do anything. She has been looked after by others every day. She has been obedient for several months. It's hard for her. Let her go crazy.

He continued to fight with baichi with full energy. Suddenly he found that his blood bar had dropped a lot. He raised his foot and kicked baichi: "you bastard, you're cheating! Attack me while I'm on the phone

Bai Chi retreated and refused to admit: "no! You must be mistaken! "

"Start over, I'll beat you!" Xiao Mimi's blood is boiling, and the universe is exploding.

Two people holding the handle of the game, biting their teeth, crazy press, the two little people on the screen are fighting.

Play to really can't go on, two people with big panda eyes, squint eyes to bed, and dead body.

The next day, Xiao Mimi opened her eyes in a daze and found an arm across her body. She pushed the arm aside, got out of bed and went back to her room in a sleepwalk.

I was so tired last night that I slept on the bed of baichi regardless. If my mother and uncle Bai saw me, they would not be able to explain clearly.

Estimating the time when she got up, Hua moyao called again.

Xiao Mimi was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes. How could she be in the mood to answer his phone? She was so angry when she got up that she turned it off without looking at it.

Hua moyao's brow jumped and his face became very ugly. Why did he hang up? Direct shutdown?

Xiao Mimi is miserable again. When she wakes up, she has to try every means to explain her bold shutdown. Anyway, she won't admit that she stayed up late last night playing games.

Xiao Mimi and Bai Chi are sleeping in their respective rooms with quilts in their arms until almost noon. Xiao's mother knocks on the door to wake them up, but refuses to get up. She also wonders whether young people like to sleep in so much.

Xiao Mimi rubbed her eyes when she came out, cold and clear, didn't see her mother and uncle Bai's figure. The aunt said that Mr. Bai accompanied his wife to the supermarket.