Hua moyao is waiting for her in the car. Xiao Mimi opens the car door and sits in the front passenger seat. She leans back, her head drooping, her eyes closed, and she smiles contentedly.

Next to Hua moyao invades her body, holding her small face in one hand and kissing her like a dragonfly.

Xiao Mimi some tired fly like waved: "Yao Yao, stop it."

"Mimi, let's get married." Hua moyao suddenly spoke in a low but serious voice.

Yao Yao and her marriage, so suddenly, all the fatigue seems to be suddenly driven away.

Xiao Mimi was excited. After seeing him for a long time, she felt sweet in her heart.

She wants to marry Hua moyao. She really wants to marry him all her life.

Getting married? A little curious, a little nervous, like the desire and fear of the unknown things, all of a sudden, she did not want to be put on the shackles of marriage so early, she was not completely ready.

Yes, she is very timid. She doesn't want to promise so hastily and get married in a muddle headed way. If the two love for a long time, and not in the morning and evening. If they really love each other, they will get married a few days later.

Already moved, the corner of the mouth has already involuntarily raised, she still turned her head to one side, don't twist reply: "I just don't want to marry you!"

I don't think so when I say that.

Hua moyao continued to confuse her mind and asked, "why, isn't it good to marry me?" The voice is hoarse and low, very attractive.

Xiao Mimi has been fascinated by seven dizzy eight elements, trying to cover up his shyness, retorted: "no, who love to marry who marry."

"There are many women who want to marry me. After this village, there is no shop. If you don't marry me, you can't say..." Hua moyao pinched her ass punitively, in a frivolous tone, and deliberately slowed down her speaking speed.

"You dare!" Xiao Mimi immediately anxious, can't say what, can't say later and other women married? He dares to have a different heart and see how she will deal with him.

Hua Mo Yao is not impatient, but chuckles. He likes her jealous and anxious appearance, and kisses her on the lips.

This guy is teasing her again. Xiao Mimi pinches his face angrily.

Two people in the car tired of crooked, but suddenly heard behind the movement.

Hua Mo Yao straightened up and looked around, but he saw Bai Chi sitting up with a yawn in his messy hair.

Xiao Mimi was startled. She thought there was a thief in the car. She bent over the back of her chair and carefully turned her head. When she saw that it was Bai Chi, she was relieved, but also angry.

"White pool! You're playing tricks here and scaring me to death! " Xiao Mimi clapped her little heart and screamed.

This guy, also eavesdropping on their flirtation, too much! As if some secret had been seen, it was embarrassing. Xiao Mimi blushed.

"I was waiting for you in the car and fell asleep." Bai Chi pulled his hair, and a cheap smile suddenly appeared on his face. "Can you two be more reserved? People are too shy to listen Hey, hey, hey Just now, he heard it all by accident.

"Oh! You are so annoying Xiao Mimi became angry and grabbed the paper in front of her and threw it away.

Asshole! Who knows he's eavesdropping from behind!

Xiao Mimi was so ashamed that she wanted to bury her head like an ostrich.