"Mimi, ignore them. Let's go." My colleague Xiaojia cheered her.

Xiao Mimi looks depressed and blames her carelessness. It turns out that Hua moyao is the president of the company. No wonder. Is it related to him that he came into this company by mistake?

Back home in the evening, when Xiao Mimi asked tentatively, he looked at her: "you are less narcissistic! Now that I'm in, give me a good job and let me get hold of it. I won't be soft handed! "

Xiao Mimi touched her nose and lived under the same roof with her boss. Is there anything worse than her? Well, anyway, she's working for him.

One day when she got up and looked at her watch, she was almost late. When she finished washing, she saw that Hua moyao was dressed up and ready to go. She grabbed his arm and said, "wait for me, I'll be ready soon." Anyway, they all work together. It's not too much to take a ride with him.

Hua moyao took her hand away and said seriously, "you should know that I don't want others to know our relationship." They get married just to deal with the old man.

Seeing him driving away alone, Xiao Mimi quickly put on her shoes and went out to take a taxi with her bag.

Finally, I swiped my card at the last minute and ran to the elevator. Xiao Mimi has a phobia of confined space. She never dares to stay alone in such a narrow space. She usually has colleagues together, but now she is the only one. She is a little anxious.

All of a sudden, she saw Hua moyao enter the special elevator for the president. When the door of the elevator was about to close, she rushed to it with an arrow step, put her leg in first, and finally squeezed in. I'm afraid she's the first one who dares to rob the elevator with the president.

Sorry, Chao Hua Mo Yao smiles. The elevator is very quiet, so quiet that Xiao Mimi's breathing is a little short. Looking at the red number changing a little, she leans to him in fear.

Hua Mo Yao gave her a slanting look. Her face was a little pale, and one hand unconsciously grasped his sleeve tightly. Just now, the staff elevator was empty, but she ran here. The only possibility was that she was afraid of taking the elevator alone.

Finally she arrived at the floor where she worked. As soon as the elevator door opened, she went out in a hurry: "goodbye, president!"

last time she was at the restaurant, she was sarcastic. She looked green from the elevator, and she was shameless to lift up the president.

Like all girls, Xiao Mimi likes snacks very much, and her hunger for food is even stronger than that of ordinary people. Although the company clearly stipulates that snacks are not allowed during working hours, she still secretly hoards a pile of snacks in the office drawer, taking advantage of the manager's absence.

One morning, she secretly took out a board of chocolate from the drawer, opened the bag and stuffed it into her mouth.

Hua moyao went down to inspect her work. When he looked up at Xiao Mimi, he saw her head down and shoulders shaking. When he walked over, he found that she was eating snacks.

After knocking on the table, she looked up, her mouth bulging.

"Take it out."

Xiao Mimi reluctantly handed it to him, including those in the drawer, which were all ransacked. When he said, "confiscate all", she burst into tears.

"Xiao Mimi, according to the company's regulations, you should know the penalty for eating snacks in the office, right? A thousand words review will be delivered to my office tomorrow! "

Xiao Mimi looked at his back, gnashing her teeth, really! Don't give me any respect! Anyway, she lived under the same roof with him for several months! Even if he doesn't know her, he knows that she always likes snacks at home, so he can't turn a blind eye to her!