The elder brother is like a father. The two brothers have been interdependent for so many years that regor seems to have become half of his father. How can a father not be happy when his "son" gets married.

As soon as he got off the plane, Reggie took a great many people to pick him up and gave him a hug: "Congratulations, brother. I will have a family soon."

Then, he gave Tang Suhe a hug: "welcome to our Lei family."

From getting off the plane to returning to Leijia villa, Leiou has been holding Tang Suhe's hand from beginning to end.

At dinner, regor suddenly took out a very classical jewelry box and solemnly handed it to her.

Tang Su he took over, puzzled: "what is this for?"

"This jewelry box was used by Yang Guifei in the Tang Dynasty, and my father bought it as a token of love for my mother at a high price," regor said. My mother said that if our brothers get married first in the future, they will give this to their daughter-in-law. So you have to take this. "

"This is too expensive. I can't have it." Tang Suhe hurriedly refused, but he did not dare to put the box down.

It's an antique from the Tang Dynasty. It's so intact that it's priceless. If you knock it, she can't afford to pay for it.

"You don't mean you don't admit that you are the daughter-in-law of the Lei family?" Reg asked her.

Tang Suhe had no choice but to harden his head and promise: "OK, I'll keep it for the time being." She was really nervous about holding such a valuable thing in her hands.

After dinner, her arms stiff straight Leng Leng holding the baby box upstairs, Leo gently smile, from her hand over, holding her hand.

"Watch the box." Looking at him casually holding it, Tang Suhe's almost ready to raise his heart for fear that he might fall.

Leo took her to his arms: "the jewelry box is just a symbol. I just need you." Go to her room and put the jewelry box on her dresser.

"Don't you have to lock it up?" It's priceless. It's not good to put it outside.

"It's just for jewelry. What's the value of locking it up?" Leo said. You can use it as an ordinary jewelry box without too much pressure. By the way, I've never given you jewelry. "

He was going to get married soon, so naturally he had to give her something.

Leo greets one of the city's most famous jewelry stores in advance, and the next day leads her to choose wedding rings and various kinds of jewelry.

As soon as they got out of the car, two tall waiters in uniform opened the door and called, "welcome."

At a glance, there was no customer inside. A dozen waiters were all ready to serve them in front of their counters. Managers with slightly different colors of uniforms came out to accompany them in their selection.

"Mr. Lei, Miss Tang, welcome."

"Leo, that's a bit of an exaggeration." Tang Suhe whispered to him.

Leo smile: "no exaggeration, only one marriage, I want to give you all the best."

She was moved by Leo's true feelings and dedication to her, but the more he did, the more she blamed herself. She was afraid that she could not afford such love.

"Miss, please take this necklace." Leo taps on the counter, and the waiter immediately presents it to him with a smile.