Just now, she was lying next to herself, smelling the fragrance of her hair, some uncontrollable want to get close to her, want to

It's because she didn't hold back. She was too seductive to him. To be in bed with her is both happiness and torture.

However, he won't touch her when she doesn't want to. He will let her fall in love with him and be with him willingly for a lifetime.

Tang Suhe heard that Leo went to the bathroom by himself, and he couldn't sleep for a moment.

After a few days in England, he went back to Australia.

Tang Suwen was relieved to learn that everything was well with her and that there was a good man beside her.

Although living under the same roof, Reggie still mentions that he is a big brother of gangsters, who has already become the president of the company.

The underworld and the mercantile supported each other, and their influence was even stronger.

Tang Suhe didn't look for a new job. By chance, she wrote an article and put it into a magazine in China. Unexpectedly, it was published. She got the idea that writing an article in her life is a one-off thing. Especially when she suddenly got inspiration, she could sit in front of the computer and write it all the time even in the middle of the night.

One night, Tang Suhe stayed up late to write an article. She tied her long hair at will, put a pair of big black framed glasses on her nose, and her fingertips were flying on the keyboard. Her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Her eyes were staring at the increasing words on the computer screen. One of her eyes is slightly short-sighted. She almost never wears glasses. She only wears them when she is facing the computer for several hours.

Not to mention, it has the style of a writer, home, literature and art, intellectual.

Leo came in with a blanket in one hand and a cup of warm milk in the other. He put the milk in her hand, covered her with the blanket, and sat down beside her: "great writer, it's late. Don't strain yourself."

"Leo, I'll be ready in a minute." Tang Suhe had no time for anything else, staring at the computer without squinting, until he knocked on the last punctuation mark and stopped playing the piano.

Pick up the hot milk on the table, take a sip, raise your head, smile on your face: "thank you, Leo."

Once upon a time, she often sent people a cup of hot tea and coffee in the late night. Now, someone sent her hot milk when she was in a hurry. Only those who have really experienced it can know what kind of happiness it is to be missed and cared about, and their hearts are warm.

She holds a glass in one hand, sips milk, and skillfully controls the mouse with the other hand. She sends the articles to the mailbox of the contributing magazine by e-mail.

Suddenly, she saw a new email in the mailbox. She opened it and flipped it down line by line until all of it was finished. Her hand holding the mouse was shaking slightly.