It's better in the hall than in the kitchen.

With her, the villa has always been cold and warm. For him, it's a treasure.

When Leo's injury was almost healed, he immediately ordered someone to arrange a plane to take her to England.

He had her in mind. Even if she can't live in England with his brother, he can often take her to England to see him.

As soon as he heard that he was going to England, Tang Suhe's face lit up. It's great. It won't take long to see Su Wen.

Since Su Wen just went abroad, she hasn't seen him for more than two years. I really miss him.

After getting off the plane, Tang Suhe dials Su Wen's phone number, which she remembers very well, but she has never had the courage to dial.

Before, afraid of contacting Su Wen, she revealed her whereabouts and was found by huazexi. She was so ruthless that she didn't contact him. I can finally see him this time.

"Hello? Who are you Su Wenqing's fresh voice came.

"Suwen, it's me." Hearing his voice, Tang Suhe was slightly excited.

"You are Sister Su Wen Leng for a long time, just can't believe of exclaim, "elder sister, are you ok? Where are you? " Su Wen asked a lot of questions at one go, and he had a lot to say to her.

"I'm right in front of your school."

"Really?" To Su Wen, too shocked, immediately said in a hurry, "elder sister, you wait a moment, I'll go to you right away. Er... "

Tang Suhe clearly heard the sound of tables and chairs being knocked down over there, accompanied by the sound of Su Wen's backward pumping.

Hang up the phone, Tang Suhe a face looking forward to keep looking inside the campus, for fear that Su Wen out she did not see.

Tall and handsome Leo stood beside her, holding her shoulder, such a pair of Bi people standing here, come and go, many students can't help but look more.

Seeing that she was still using her old mobile phone, Leo suddenly asked her, "why didn't you use the one I gave you? I don't like it anymore?"

When he asked, she suddenly remembered Kavin she had seen at the underworld party and told him, "Leo, do you remember Kavin you saw before?"

Leo nodded: "remember."

"Kavin is my brother's classmate. In fact, I didn't see Kavin's mobile phone last time, but accidentally saw my brother's picture on his mobile phone, so I couldn't help looking at it. "

Leo suddenly realized that the relationship between people is so complicated that he suddenly felt that the earth is too small.

"Sister!" Su Wen's voice was heard from a distance.

Tang Suhe raised his head. Isn't that Su Wen! Tall and thin, a pretty face, hair slightly longer than before, some cover to the eyes, he did not change.

"Su Wen!" Tang Suhe took two steps. Su Wen came all the way, still breathing heavily. She held her tightly in her arms, and her voice trembled. "Sister, where have you been all these years? Do you know if you are worried about me?"

"Suwen, I'm sorry."

"Sister, as long as you are safe!"

It took a long time for the sister and brother to let go. Tang Suhe happens to see Kavin following Su Wen. Su Wen also sees Leo beside Su He.

"Kavin, long time no see." Tang Suhe took the initiative to say hello.

"Sister!" Kavin came over with a sunny face and hugged Tang Suhe.