"Who are you? Where are you taking me? " Tang Suhe tried to calm himself, but his voice was still shaking. She had no idea who she had offended and why they wanted to arrest her.

"Be honest! Don't talk nonsense The man on the left glared at her and said in a cruel tone.

These people are not good people. Tang Suhe didn't dare to annoy them. He had to shut up. He was so worried that he kept thinking about what to do and how to escape. I don't know if huazexi noticed that she was in danger just now. Would he come to save himself? Even if he wants to save it, can he find it?

The car has been driving to the outside of the city, driving to more and more remote places, Tang Suhe looked blankly and scared at the strange scenery speeding past the window.

All of a sudden, the man on the left took out an eye mask and put it on her rudely. It was so dark that he couldn't see anything. He was even more flustered.

I was walking along a bumpy road. I sat on the car and kept bumping. About 20 minutes later, the car stopped.

When the man got out of the car, he also pulled her down and took her for tens of meters. Suddenly he pushed her hard. Tang Suhe staggered and fell on the ground, wearing his wrist.

"Let's go!" A man's voice.

Tang Suhe sat on the ground with his legs in his arms. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he kept retreating.

"What are you going to do! Let go of me Tang Suhe desperately opened their hands and didn't let him touch himself.

"Pa!" All of a sudden, he slapped her in the face. Tang Suhe's head was on one side. His eyes were golden and his ears were buzzing.

"I have no grudge against you. Why do you treat me like this! Don't... " Even if she was beaten, she couldn't be indifferent.

In the process of labouring, she suffered a lot. Her own strength was weak. In the end, she couldn't resist. The men stopped.

Tang Suhe huddled in the corner, curled up, shivering.

I don't know what they want to do and how to let her go!

"Click!" "Click!" The voice let Tang Suhe's heart suddenly raised.

They Taking pictures!

Tang Su He side anxiously twisted his head, dodged, while protecting his body: "please, don't pat me, don't treat me like this!"

Why did they do this to her? Why did they destroy her innocence?

“ok!” A successful voice, the click stopped.

Another man opened his mouth: "it's a pity to let such a beautiful girl go. Why don't we play first?"

"Do you know where she came from?"

"It's said that she is the mistress of a boss. It doesn't matter."

"Well, send it back as soon as you're done!" A man said this and left.

"Don't worry!" Now, there are three men left.

After listening to their conversation, Tang Suhe knew what they wanted to do next and stepped back in panic: "don't mess around! It's a crime for you to do this. I beg you not to do this to me! "

A man squatted down and gently touched the wound on her face: "beauty, did you just cooperate? Be obedient this time, and your brothers won't embarrass you. "

Tang Suhe felt a chill and knocked off his hand.

The man immediately threw her to the ground with a strong force, ready to exercise her misdemeanor.

She cried herself hoarse, and her face burned.

Just thinking that all the innocence would be destroyed here, a burst of gunshot, several men's attention was instantly attracted, and they all rushed to look out.

A few seconds later, a group of fully armed police rushed in, holding guns around: "don't move! Police The man who went out before was also captured by the police.

At the front of the police force is Huaze river with an eager face.

When he rushed in and saw the scene inside for the first time, Tang Suhe was lying on the ground naked with injuries. The men, who despised her, and even a man's belt had been untied.

He was so angry that his heart trembled. He wanted to take the gun in the hand of the police and jump on them with his own hands. Almost, almost, almost, he was going to be destroyed by them!

"Su He!" At the moment, he was more worried about Tang Suhe. He ran over and picked up her on the ground. He took off his clothes and wrapped them around her.

Hearing the familiar voice and lying in the familiar arms, Tang Suhe was like a child who was bullied by others. When he saw his family, he shed more tears and sobbed: "Zexi, you are here at last." Head into his arms, dead embrace.

She had never been so afraid. She didn't want to leave him. She didn't dare to let him go. Only by holding him tightly and being held in his arms could she feel safe. She was scared.

"Darling, I'm here. No one dares to bully you." Flower Ze River distressed tightly embrace her, eyes with a knife to see those wearing handcuffs to hold the head to hide a few men.

"Ding Ding Ding..." The man in the lead, the phone rings.The police went to find the phone from him and looked at huazexi. Huazexi gave him a look to connect him.

It's quiet. The police press the hands-free button.

"Hello? How are things going? I've already called you for 100000 yuan this morning. I'll call you another 100000 yuan when I get the photo. "

Hearing the female voice on the phone, huazexi's face became more ugly. The police put the phone and the gun together to the man with the leading sunglasses. The man with the leading Sunglasses said, "it's done. I'll send it to you in the evening."

The police hung up before they could speak.

Huazexi took Tang Suhe out and said to the police, "thank you. You don't have to worry about the rest. Help me to entertain these people!" In the last sentence, I'm gnashing my teeth.

"It was." The police chief was sold his face. Naturally, the police at the bottom were very respectful and nodded to him.

These people, into the inside also cannot without a dozen, the bottom of the prison is also necessary to wear!

Only then did the men know that they had touched something they shouldn't have touched. Just now, they heard the police call him Hua Shao. They knew that he was from Hua family. They were all frightened and begged for mercy. If they admit their mistakes and begged for mercy, what would they do with penalty!

The camera was completely destroyed. All the pictures inside were destroyed.

Huazexi takes Tang Suhe into the car and gently gives her a seat belt. She drives to the hospital with a heavy face. On the way, she holds her hand tightly and drives with the other hand.

Hospital, luxury ward, Tang Suhe lying on the bed, the doctor came in to help her check.