The next morning, with the first ray of light, the sun jumped out of the mountain.

Last night, there was a light rain in the city, which made the summer morning more cool and comfortable.

Yunluo's car arrived at Yun's home just after the sun came out.

Qin Ruoyu looked out on the glass when the car entered a city.

Most of her life, is spent in this city, whether it is happy, or painful, are her hometown, have a deep feeling.

In the four years since she left, great changes have taken place in many places.

It used to be a piece of ruins, but now it has also built skyscrapers.

As soon as he arrived at Yun's home, Qin Ruoyu began to feel at sixes and sevens.

She was very nervous. Although Yunluo had told her that the old man would not mind her leaving without saying goodbye, Qin Ruoyu felt sorry for herself.

Yunluo saw her uneasiness and held her hand tightly.

Qin Ruoyu raised his eyes and looked at Yunluo. Yunluo beamed at her with a smile that was sure to win. He said thoughtfully and firmly, "don't worry, I'm here."

Although it was just a simple sentence, Qin Ruoyu's heart was suddenly settled at that moment.

Someone is supporting her. When she is nervous and afraid, we can say, "I am here". No matter how difficult she is, she will not feel terrible.

When the driver entered the gate of Yun's house, Qin Ruoyu saw several people standing at the door of the villa from a distance. When he got closer, he saw that they were the old man, the old lady and the nanny in the house.

As soon as she saw the car coming back, the old lady pointed and said happily, "it's coming back! Come back

Everyone watched the car approach.

In front of the car, the driver opens the door for Yunluo. Yunluo gets out of the car, holding his son in one hand and his wife in the other. The family of three walks in front of his parents.

Seeing Yunluo bringing Qin Ruoyu back, the old lady was very excited. Some old faces seemed to be young for many years.

In the early morning, the old man and the old lady were waiting to meet them at the door, which made Qin Ruoyu feel more sorry.

"Mom and Dad, we're back!" Yunluo spoke.

"Finally back!" At the moment when Qin Ruoyu really approached, the old lady couldn't help wiping the corners of her eyes.

"Auntie, I'm back. I'm sorry." Seeing the old lady's tears, Qin Ruoyu felt even worse.

"Silly child, what's wrong? We're sorry for you!"

The old lady and Qin Ruoyu hugged each other tightly.

"Just come back!" Next to the old man said a heavy.

"Uncle..." Qin Ruoyu turns his head and calls people to say hello.

"Silly girl, do you still call your uncle and aunt when your children are so old?" The old lady laughed and reproached.

Qin Ruoyu was stunned and looked down at her baby son. What does Auntie mean? Let her change her words?

Although she and Yunluo have not married yet, they do have the reality of husband and wife. Qin Ruoyu's mouth trembles slightly. Finally, she says, "Dad! Mother

At the moment, the old lady cried with joy again and promised heavily: "ah! Mom, I've been waiting for you to change your voice for five years! "

Five years ago, she had been accompanying Qin Ruoyu and Yunluo to get married. Originally, she was about to arrive, and Qin Ruoyu left.

This is five years. Today, when she heard Qin Ruoyu calling her "Ma", she didn't know how excited she was.