Qin Ruoyu light said: "thank you, you go out first, I want to stay for a while." The men nodded and went out with the door.

Super large and luxurious office, white pure wool carpet, black leather sofa, noble mahogany desk, super large daylighting and floor to ceiling windows

Qin Ruoyu puts his lunch box on the table, and then walks to Yunluo's desk. The computer is on.

Based on her understanding of Yunluo, she had already guessed that he must be watching the camera at home while working to monitor what she was doing.

Suddenly I saw the notebook beside the desktop computer, half closed.

Qin Ruoyu gently open it, if really, see the picture inside the home.

Seven or eight cameras, each room in the home is almost a dead corner, even in the bathroom.

Although we have guessed something, we will still feel a little shocked to see the familiar things exposed here.

Once upon a time, in the case that she didn't know, even changing clothes, even taking a bath, she was watched.

Qin Ruoyu looks at the picture on the screen and the structure of his home. At last, he is surprised to find that there is no camera in the bathroom of Yunluo's own room.

No wonder he always bathes in the bathroom in his room.

Although he will do a good job in keeping secrets, only he can see those private things, after all, knowing that there is a camera in the bathroom, he still exposes himself below, which is always uncomfortable psychologically.

Listening to the footsteps outside, Qin Ruoyu half closed the computer in a hurry, and then trotted back to the sofa.

As soon as Yunluo opened the door, Qin Ruoyu turned around and said with a smile, "Luo."

Qin Ruoyu was able to deliver lunch to Yunluo in person today. Yunluo didn't expect that. After hearing what the assistant said, he was very excited. He hurried to his office after the meeting. As soon as he came in, he saw Qin Ruoyu sitting on the sofa.

"What's good for you?" Yunluo sits beside Qin Ruoyu, kisses her on the lips, and asks happily.

"It's all your favorite food." Qin Ruoyu smiles faintly, then opens the lunch box and brings out the contents one by one.

Four or five dishes, and a soup, it looks very rich.

Qin Ruoyu hands his chopsticks to Yunluo. Yunluo takes them and grins. Then he takes a bite of what is on the table. He has a big appetite and tastes more delicious.

Qin Ruoyu is eating with Yunluo, but he doesn't eat much. I don't know why. He doesn't have a good appetite these days.

Qin Ruoyu thought, maybe it's because of the hot weather.

Yunluo is very happy to eat. Seeing Qin Ruoyu taking a small bite, he adds vegetables to her bowl. Qin Ruoyu says, "no, no! I've actually eaten it at home! "

After sweeping away all the things on the table, Yunluo stares at Qin Ruoyu with hungry wolf like eyes, and says innocently: "what if you don't have enough to eat?"

"Er..." Qin Ruoyu is surprised. She has a lot of things.

"This dessert looks delicious." Yunluo continues to stare at her.

Qin Ruoyu understood what Yunluo meant!

"If fish, you can come today, I am very happy." Cloud Luo side gnaws, side voice hoarse say.

Let her go, very seriously said: "if the fish, let's get married!"

Now, I can't wait to become a legal couple with her. With that engagement, maybe he will feel a little secure.

Qin Ruoyu nodded: "good."

Yunluo was very happy with a smile: "I asked the assistant to prepare. In a month, you'll be waiting to be a beautiful bride."

Bride Perhaps before, she was very extravagant, now, it has been indifferent, marriage, but another layer of shackles.

On the surface, he pretended to be very happy and nodded his head: "good!"

Yunluo, I really want Qin Ruoyu's most luxurious wedding in the world. Many people are involved in preparing for it, including choosing the date and place, which wedding dress is good, and where to go for honeymoon after marriage, etc

After returning from Yunluo's office, Qin Ruoyu has been planning to escape.

One night, Qin Ruoyu showed great enthusiasm. In the face of Qin Ruoyu's long lost tenderness, Yunluo was very happy.

The next day, Yunluo will get up early in the morning to go to work. Before leaving, she kisses Qin Ruoyu's face and looks at her quiet sleeping face. She is very happy. If the fish is so active now, it seems that she loves herself very much.

Soon after Yunluo left, the woman came to clean the house.

Qin Ruoyu got up, looked at the mess of the bed, and then said to the woman, "all the sheets and quilt covers should be cleaned as soon as possible. Luo likes the sheets. We will use them tonight."

The woman naturally understood what had happened in bed. Her job was to serve Yunluo as much as possible. Qin Ruoyu moved Yunluo out, so the woman naturally had to do it.Finish saying this sentence, Qin Ruoyu into the bathroom to take a bath, the woman is outside the bathroom to wash clothes..

Qin Ruoyu locked the door in the bathroom and let go of the tap in the bathroom. Qin Ruoyu turned on the automatic washing machine and took out the clothes he had put in advance. After changing the clothes, he pushed open the window. Under it was a green field with grass, shrubs and tall trees. Qin Ruoyu looked around. There was no suspicious person downstairs.

Usually, the whole downstairs is guarded all day long. Later, Qin Ruoyu observed and found that the guards here are not very strict.

Outside the window, there is a white pipe for roof drainage. Qin Ruoyu trembles and climbs to the window, then holds the pipe, slides down the pipe and falls on a piece of grass.

Qin Ruoyu was wearing a very fat dress and hat. The brim of his hat was low. He carefully climbed out of the grass, sneaked around the back of the building and ran out of the community.

Fortunately, no one found out.

As soon as he ran outside the community, Qin Ruoyu immediately took a taxi and went to the city next door.

As soon as I heard that it was hundreds of kilometers away, the driver didn't want to go, but Qin Ruoyu begged him anxiously and promised to give him twice the money, so the driver reluctantly agreed.

Qin Ruoyu is afraid to go to the railway station or airport because she knows that Yunluo may soon find out that she has left. Maybe she hasn't got on the train. Yunluo already knows that she will be taken back.