Yunluo constantly took the next step of response measures.

Qin Ruoyu, even if you become famous now, you are just a little artist. You will never be our young master's opponent!

The new year is just around the corner. At the end of every year, the company will hold a reception, and this year is no exception.

That day, when Qin Ruoyu and jiebei both appeared, they also saw Yunluo who came to participate.

At the sight of Yunluo, Qin Ruoyu hides subconsciously. Jiebei hugs her more forcefully and nods politely to Yunluo, which is regarded as greeting.

Many young stars can't help their eyes shining when they see Yunluo.

Yun Shao is handsome, but he has to kill most of the male entertainers in the entertainment industry. He is young and promising. He is the president of Yun's group. It is said that he is still single.

If you can get involved with such a top-notch diamond Wang Laowu, it's to marry a rich family and become a young grandmother of the cloud family. In the future, it's to call the wind and the rain. You can do whatever you want!

Even suno moved his heart and went to talk to Yunluo.

Suno has been compared by Qin Ruoyu now. She thinks that as long as she can hook up with Yunluo, as long as Yunluo is willing to spend a lot of money on her, plus the scandal between them, it will definitely be more attractive than the news between Qin Ruoyu and jiebei. At that time, she can be on fire again.

At the banquet, Qin Ruoyu tried to avoid Yunluo. She thought that he was only invited as a guest, because the banquet was internal to G stone company.

Who knows, when G stone's big boss came out to give a speech, he suddenly introduced that G stone company had been acquired by Yunluo president. From then on, Yunluo was g stone's boss.

At that moment, everyone was a little surprised, even jiebei did not expect such a thing to happen.

Qin Ruoyu looks pale. Is he really doing this for the sake of not letting himself go?

After a few seconds, there was intense applause around. The female stars were more excited. Yunluo became the boss of the company, which means that it is more convenient for them to contact with him.

When Yunluo, as a new boss, went up to speak, his eyes inadvertently swept Qin Ruoyu. The time of looking at each other was very short, but Qin Ruoyu could see the frightening breath in his eyes.

At the end of the speech, Yunluo, with a glass of red wine, gracefully walked over to Qin Ruoyu and said, "it's a great honor for G stone company to have such a big name as Miss Qin Ruoyu." Then raise the glass and signal her to touch it.

Qin Ruoyu's Cup touched him, but he didn't dare to look up at him.

Qin Ruoyu's lips just touched the edge of the cup and was about to drink. Jiebei quietly took down her cup: "if the fish is not comfortable these days and can't drink, my boyfriend can drink for her."

Then Chao Yunluo gives a sign, sticks to the place where Qin Ruoyu's lips touched, looks up and drinks, Chao Yunluo smiles.

Yunluo is about to explode. Good! But the expression on his face was elegant and calm, and he didn't show his anger at all.

Yunluo became the boss of G stone. Qin Ruoyu and jiebei were worried about the future.

It's not long since they signed a five-year contract. It's not appropriate to terminate the contract now. We have to wait and see.

Yunluo used his power and tried to make Qin Ruoyu difficult repeatedly, but he was well protected by jiebei.