Two people are wearing cap and sunglasses, with each other into the downtown streets.

In the streets and alleys, her songs are put in many stores. When you walk into a video store, the posters of Qin Ruoyu's albums are placed in the most prominent position. Her albums also occupy a large row of shelves. It seems that they are really hot.

Qin Ruoyu looked at jiebei seriously and said sincerely: "jiebei, thank you!"

"Have you been so far away from me?" Jiebei half jokingly smiles.

Qin Ruoyu's new album brings a new sound feast, which soon swept across the whole mainland, and the little stars who had never been heard of became popular.

Because Qin Ruoyu's beautiful, penetrating and infectious singing, as well as quiet and refined temperament, soon attracted a large number of fans.

Qin Ruoyu succeeded in becoming a hot singer.

Jiebei took the opportunity to arrange several signature meetings for her. She is just famous now, so she can't be taken lightly. She still needs to work hard, because she still has a lot of room for development.

The first signing meeting was outside the largest audio-visual store in the city. What moved Qin Ruoyu was that on that day, many fans came to support her, holding her album and shouting her name.

Qin Ruoyu still didn't learn to say some special fancy words, just took the microphone, looked at her fans gratefully and said: "thank you!" My eyes are full of true feelings.

It's her sincerity that makes those fans like her more. Qin Ruoyu's temperament is especially clean and refined.

There are many dirty and dark things and false appearance in the entertainment circle, so the temperament of artists is more valuable and more attractive.

At the beginning of the signing ceremony, many security guards kept order at the venue, and all the people lined up to look for Qin Ruoyu's autograph.

Qin Ruoyu sat behind the table and took the album from her fans with a smile. She signed her name with a signature pen. She lowered her head, with a few strands of hair hanging down. Her serious and attentive look was particularly attractive.

Qin Ruoyu's signature is not as flashy as other artists. He can't even recognize what he wrote.

Qin Ruoyu's handwriting is beautiful. With the help of a specially designed signer, the handwriting will be more beautiful and elegant.

From morning to noon, seeing so many fans waiting in line, she didn't have the heart to rest, even though her arms were aching.

Jiebei was a little impatient. He handed her a glass of water and whispered in her ear, "if you're tired, just have a rest. Don't be too forced."

Qin Ruoyu shook his head and said, "I'm ok." Took the water, drank a mouthful, then buried in the sign.

Facing the same album signature all the time, Qin Ruoyu's eyes are lax, but she's still trying to sit upright. Just, who are the fans? She may not have enough energy to look up and smile at them.

"Fish Suddenly a familiar deliberately low voice, Qin Ruoyu suddenly came to the spirit, look up, see is Qinnan that sunny young face.

"South!" Qin Ruoyu was also a little excited. He cried low. He turned around and saw that Gu Yi was behind him

Qin Ruoyu took over the album from Qin Nan and signed it slowly. She hasn't seen them for a long time, so she is selfish and wants to hear them talk more.